1 Week Experience $25,000

"I have an idea and need you to be available for 1 week:"

😲 🥹

Which Hustlepreneur courses did he attend?
I am yet to see or hear anything from him that would bring value at those rates.
To be fair, if he's charging $25k to learn his secrets, he's not going to share them on free live streams. But if you stump up the cash I'm sure he'll tell you all about this little wheeze that "Lindmir" described three months ago:

I'm much better value, so my fee for sharing that particular con is just $1k from each of you. PayPal or bank transfer please...
I get the delusional mindset. In my opinion, if you're going to be successful at some point in your life (and a lot of really succesful people will tell you this) you need to be delusional. Not the running down the street, I smoked too much weed and started to see mars bars chasing me kind of delusional. I mean the delusional where you genuinely believe your time is worth $25000. Now, I wouldn't consider myself financially successful, I am far from it. However, I can rub shoulders with millionaires whenever I like, because I am friends with a few. Spending time around people like this, you will come to find that at first they may seem crazy. The whole "I'm going to start doing this" vibe. OK, sure. Of course you aren't, that's insane. You start to realise that actually, they aren't insane. In fact, they're delusional to the point where they start to manifest what they believe.

The world is a crazy place. None of us here really grasp the amount of stupidly wealthy people out there that exist, to whom money is no object. When you start to level up your finances, what was £100, now feels like £1. What was $25000, now feels like £20.

We can all laugh at people like Ryan Ewen, but it's these delusional types of people that become mega wealthy, because they believe they can be.
All valid and true.

However - all the facts and actions, all these words and hype - make me believe we've got a different type of a delusional here.

After picking several low-hanging fruits, it was only a matter of time before I heard Ryan knocking for DL acquisition.

Having asked how much I value DL at, the .uk's most prominent and influential mover and shaker retreated for a while to crunch the numbers. After a quick "still working on it" update weeks later, he subsequently vanished from the scene without a trace.

Months passed, and suddenly, several people started reaching out to me, shocked, asking if I am selling to Ryan.

Knowing full well from the start that this "aquisiton" would have went nowhere, I took it as amusing and entertaining but never for real.

In a real scenario, I'd think a thousand times before selling something thriving to Ryan, especially a well-growing and still developing child (how you can give a child to a child??).

But in Ryan's mind, he'd already sealed the deal. He eagerly shared the news with Helmuts on a livestream. The "deal-making" bell rang, and there were gasps and cheers—"going to acquire" or "I am acquiring DomainLore," I can't quite recall the exact phrasing, but it was enough for him to parade himself as a winner and a top .uk brass.

I shot Ryan a WTF? email, asking what he is even talking about, in public, when we weren't even negotiating. He assured me "discussing" a sale was a good thing for me and that raising capital "takes time".

Yea, I bet it does, especially when Ryan's dad is still a person responsible for all the finances =)
The approach to Nominet comment was also wonderful….. he who dares Rodney.
Hat tip to @real for having the stamina to find the clip.

To be fair to Ryan, he does qualify the announcement with words like might and may: "There's two other big acquisitions that might happen...Domainlore may be on the radar...I've had conversations...it's in conversation..."

But whatever the language used, it's an incredibly stupid thing to announce before a deal is done because it alerts other potential buyers and risks a bidding war and a higher price.

Bottom line: he's either as naive as Helmuts, or he was never serious in the first place, in which case why set himself up for ridicule by announcing something he knew wasn't going to happen?
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All valid and true.

However - all the facts and actions, all these words and hype - make me believe we've got a different type of a delusional here.

After picking several low-hanging fruits, it was only a matter of time before I heard Ryan knocking for DL acquisition.

Having asked how much I value DL at, the .uk's most prominent and influential mover and shaker retreated for a while to crunch the numbers. After a quick "still working on it" update weeks later, he subsequently vanished from the scene without a trace.

Months passed, and suddenly, several people started reaching out to me, shocked, asking if I am selling to Ryan.

Knowing full well from the start that this "aquisiton" would have went nowhere, I took it as amusing and entertaining but never for real.

In a real scenario, I'd think a thousand times before selling something thriving to Ryan, especially a well-growing and still developing child (how you can give a child to a child??).

But in Ryan's mind, he'd already sealed the deal. He eagerly shared the news with Helmuts on a livestream. The "deal-making" bell rang, and there were gasps and cheers—"going to acquire" or "I am acquiring DomainLore," I can't quite recall the exact phrasing, but it was enough for him to parade himself as a winner and a top .uk brass.

I shot Ryan a WTF? email, asking what he is even talking about, in public, when we weren't even negotiating. He assured me "discussing" a sale was a good thing for me and that raising capital "takes time".

Yea, I bet it does, especially when Ryan's dad is still a person responsible for all the finances =)

Listen from 1 hour 32 minutes.
Listening just past that, interesting he approached Nominet with the proposal to aquire rights to all dropping .uk domains for an annual fee.

They were never going to say yes to that considering they had already ruled out an auction based system ran by themselves in the proposals.
Listening just past that, interesting he approached Nominet with the proposal to aquire rights to all dropping .uk domains for an annual fee.

They were never going to say yes to that considering they had already ruled out an auction based system ran by themselves in the proposals.
What an absolute crackhead to even propose that 😂
he was never serious in the first place, in which case why set himself up for ridicule by announcing something he knew wasn't going to happen
It was never serious.

He simply likes to announce things that are far from being completed (or even never intended to be completed). Just look how much hype and premature announcements were made about Brandable launch. Same with Digital Candy.. just anything. All those 4-5 figures domain or portfolio sales he constantly brags about are never verified or never detailed.

These are the reasons people are laughing yet again at this $25k-per-week "experience."

To the naive eye, all of this probably works well -- grabs attention and makes him stand out as a great investor and dealmaker.
Enough to feed the ego and no need to follow through after the initial hype.
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Lots of companies?

Company number 14690280
Company number 14643077

"001 LTD"??
Really sort of annoys me that Companies House does this, it should lump all the companies into the same contact even if their names are different. But you’ll find most are not. I have companies missing my middle name that aren’t found search without my middle name, which is behaviour you’d expect, but it should not be that way. It should be one contact card type of affair, regardless of display name.
it's an incredibly stupid thing to announce before a deal is done because it alerts other potential buyers and risks a bidding war and a higher price.

Not when you already know you are firmly priced out, or daddy said no :ROFLMAO:
The domain industry is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs.
So he wants to buy DomainLore

And then bankrupt all their sellers by not letting them catch anything for 5 years. Not literally bankrupt them obviously, but drive them out of domains.

With no appreciation that most of the buyers on there depend on flipping the odd catch for £££ to buy the odd domain on DomainLore. He wants to buy a thriving business, then kill the ecosystem that it depends on.

Not the sharpest knife in the kitchen is he.