Anyone ever purchased social media handles (specifically Twitter)


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2024
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Looking to potentially purchase a few LLL twitter handles I've had my eye on, but concerned about the logistics of it. Is there an Escrow service that is reliable for this, does do it? Anyone done this before and has some advice?
I bought a popular animal @ many years ago, ended up selling it to someone who whilst in the process of releasing it for himself got it taken by someone else

I thought at the time they were trying to scam me and would ask for a refund :unsure: (they paid by paypal) but they didn't

I did make it crystal clear when I handed over the account that was deal done though - I gave them the account rather than releasing the name

This was all pre-Elon btw, I don't believe in twitter/x as being as stable nor as brand friendly so I wouldn't buy an @ again

Also the name I sold has been suspended almost ever since and just shows

"Account suspended
X suspends accounts which violate the X Rules"
Thanks for that insight, Murray. Yeah, it's a bit sketchy on ToS side of things. They say you can't sell Twitter handles as a business, but if you were selling a business you can sell the handles as part of the sale kind of thing.
Yes - but wouldn't now. It has changed massively in the last few months and a few people pulling back from what they do on there. Engagement for normal stuff through the floor.

To buy, reach out, ask and go from there. Pay some cash , get the password (check 2FA turned off as well etc). If buying name you could get them to change it and change yours perhaps if not wanting the followers.

Anyone looking to buy there is a trio I got a while ago and now unused with 70k / 35k uk targetted newsy followers, there is a third sports focused account but would have to fish out the login on that.