Chips v Salad


Active member
Jul 8, 2024
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To revive more of the vital threads, is anyone still saying the green leafy stuff is a good thing?
I have been trying to eat a mediterranean style diet as of late. Enjoying it so far, shame we don't get the sunshine too!
To revive more of the vital threads, is anyone still saying the green leafy stuff is a good thing?

Was almost run out of ukdnf town for suggesting we eat more greens :)

But the older I get, the more I realise I can't take my health for granted, and how big a part diet plays in your health.

I never used to eat salad, but now I love to see it on my plate. Your time will come, Rob!

PS Nuts and seeds. Unless you're allergic, eat nuts and seeds. And eat nuts and seeds with your salad as the fat content helps you absorb some of the best nutrients found in salad.
Haribo and Skittles are one of your five a day, washed down with Irn Bru.

4M the source of health facts online.

When they say eat the colours of the rainbow, Skittles do spring to mind.
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I do love a bit of salad - both & .uk!
