apparently sold for £100k ,


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Jul 8, 2024
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anyone else got good news? I am finding it quiet at the moment. How are others doing over sales?
Just completed the sale of accuracy + the .uk this week

I've agreed to sell another very nice domain but I'm not sure it will complete since a deal with the same buyer has fallen through before, fingers crossed
Not a sausage.
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Catch sales are plodding along but private sales are very quiet.
Just completed the sale of accuracy + the .uk this week

I've agreed to sell another very nice domain but I'm not sure it will complete since a deal with the same buyer has fallen through before, fingers crossed

Just completed the sale of circus which was the domain referenced in this post
Just completed the sale of circus which was the domain referenced in this post

Nice sales!

BTW I did exactly what you did over at Acorn: was going to suggest the .uk to the OP as it was FTR at the time, but thought why bother contributing and didn't.
Nice sales!

BTW I did exactly what you did over at Acorn: was going to suggest the .uk to the OP as it was FTR at the time, but thought why bother contributing and didn't.

Thanks, yes and also you have to doubt if the posters are even genuine now o_O

I wrote this before either of the forums popped up and I'd genuinely like a second opinion especially as I know very little about Bitcoin.

Basically a very short version. Right before this Satoshi character set the coins loose from his computer, everything in the Bitcoin universe was on that computer. If he had a image file of all that code 1 second before he sent his first coins into the wild, everything that has gone since could be duplicated if that image file was ever released in the future. Which would in effect make every single Bitcoin re-minable, nobody would every know which was the original Bitcoin - in effect, the whole thing would be worthless overnight if that file ever found its way into the public.

Whilst Bitcoin may all be protected by all the mathematics in the world, it all relies on did the inventor(s) take a image dump before they let it go, and what are their intentions with it?

I wrote this before either of the forums popped up and I'd genuinely like a second opinion especially as I know very little about Bitcoin.

Basically a very short version. Right before this Satoshi character set the coins loose from his computer, everything in the Bitcoin universe was on that computer. If he had a image file of all that code 1 second before he sent his first coins into the wild, everything that has gone since could be duplicated if that image file was ever released in the future. Which would in effect make every single Bitcoin re-minable, nobody would every know which was the original Bitcoin - in effect, the whole thing would be worthless overnight if that file ever found its way into the public.

Whilst Bitcoin may all be protected by all the mathematics in the world, it all relies on did the inventor(s) take a image dump before they let it go, and what are their intentions with it?
Deep Thinking :)
In simple terms, No.

Without getting deep into the math, if block X exists, you can't remine or change block X-1.

Even setting every miner and wallet back to a specific point wouldn't do what you describe - which is essentially a 'fork'.
In simple terms, No.

Without getting deep into the math, if block X exists, you can't remine or change block X-1.

Even setting every miner and wallet back to a specific point wouldn't do what you describe - which is essentially a 'fork'.
But those blocks exists on a certain set of rails (the current Bitcoin blockchain), what I'm suggesting is that it's possible (if you have the exact first 500m of railway - "The Genesis block") to build a duplicate railway line right next door, independent of it so they don't know that each other exists.

ChatGPT didn't want to say I was right, but I homed in on specific questions and it seemed to agree in the end

Q) Can bitcoin be re-run with the original genesis blocks?

A) "No, Bitcoin cannot be "re-run" with the original genesis blocks. The genesis block, which is the first block in the Bitcoin blockchain, is hardcoded into the Bitcoin software. It serves as the foundation of the entire blockchain network. Once the Bitcoin network is established and operational, it cannot be rewound or restarted from the genesis block. Any attempt to do so would require consensus among the network participants, which is highly unlikely to happen due to the decentralized nature of the network and the massive computational power required to manipulate the blockchain."

Q) But if I held all the keys myself (which the creator did at the time just before launch).

A)"If you possess all the private keys associated with every Bitcoin address ever created, theoretically, you could recreate the entire Bitcoin blockchain from its genesis block onwards."
Parallel tracks exist - bitcoin cash, sv and dozens of others, it doesn't impact the original, although it may confuse end users.

As to gpt , it's correct, but answering a very different and largely mraningless question.

Again massively simplifying it, but no-one else has your private keys created on your device at the specific time you generated it, using it's random numbers etc and those keys have no direct correlation to or exist on the blockchain at any point.
A blockchain is (really) just a 1970s 'backpointer checksum' database.

A stupidly large, somewhat distributed, verifiably correct, and consensus agreed immutable database, but a very simplistic filing system overall.

Having a backup copy at some previous point doesnt give you any access of or visibility to or control over any records added after that copy was made.
I know what you mean about forks, but I'm trying to get at something different. As I don't know the terms for Bitcoins, it's a bit difficult, but I'll give it this one go.

You are the inventor of Bitcoin, you have just mined the Genesis block. Most people say this was 1000 coins, so we'll use the 1000 coins example, it doesn't massively matter.

At this moment in time, you haven't contacted anyone else about this Bitcoin project, nobody knows about it. Everything in the world of Bitcoin is on your desktop, the code, the 1000 coins, a mining program. In fact, it isn't even connected to the internet.

One night I break into your house, I take an a mirror image of everything on your hard drive. I take that mirror image home and I install it onto my desktop. Essentially, my computer is an exact mirror of your computer, and your 1000 coins. They are identicle.

So, we now have two computers in existence that are exactly the same, but they can't communicate with each other, they don't know each other exists.

The next day, you walk into your office, I walk into mine. We both the start the miner on each of our computers to mine the next coin, bearing in mind that we have the same 1000 coins in existence on essentially coin 1001. Neither computer knows the other one exists.

Would coin 1001 on your computer have exactly the same code/keys or whatever the term is as coin 1001 on my computer?