Dan.com Negotiating Trick


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Jul 8, 2024
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I'm pretty sure we have all been guilty of pushing a buyer one counter offer too far, only to live with regret when they go quiet.

Well you may not know this, but if you retract your last counter offer you should be given the option to accept the buyers last offer. It may not always
work as you could have pissed the buyer off completely and they may not pay, but I have successfully done this in the past, which stopped me being
kept awake at night thinking 'why did I have to be greedy'.

Anyone else got any little tips up their sleaves that they would like to share?

Anyway, back to trawling through lists!

Have a great weekend!
I wouldn't suggest doing this as a matter of course, it is more for those occasions that you aren't sure and then you realise you should have or were happy with the last offer.

I wouldn't leave it weeks, I would only ever do it within 3 to maybe 5 days tops. Ultimately, if you are happy with the offer you should accept it.

Also, with dan.com, there is still a massive chance the buyer won't pay even if you accept their first offer, regardless.