Does anyone else find going through droplists to be tedious?


Jul 16, 2024
Reaction score
Trophy points
I've recently taken an interest in drop-catching again and am finding that trawling through droplists can be so tedious at times.

Obviously it's a necessary evil for dropcatchers and maybe it's just me but I sometimes start to lose the will to live as I scroll through page after page of utter dross. Of course one man's trash is another man's treasure but for my dropcatching purposes I'd say literally 99.9% of drops don't have any interest to me. With typically 5,000 drops a day that's an awful lot of junk to rummage through.

Don't get me wrong, there are occasionally some laugh out loud moments (usually adult-humour domains :D ) to break the monotony but by far the vast majority are just meh. Is it just me or do others feel the same? If the latter does anyone feel like sharing any steps they've taken to deal with it?

To start the ball rolling, my script now separates the 5,000 or so daily drops into much smaller filtered lists, so LLL, LLLL, LLLLL, specific keywords, plurals,, numeric and stupidly long domains etc. This means I can scan just the domain types I'm most interested in without my eyes glazing over too much and occasionally look through the more esoteric lists if I can summon up the will power to do so. I still find it tedious but just about bearable...
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You need to be selective with the droplists or you do lose the will to live.

II never look through every name. I concentrate on the ones that meet my criteria (age, length, etc).
Using I just used to set it to and .uk only and ordered them by date registered and to see if any nice drops from the 90s

Oh I'd remove numbers and hyphens too but do a quick check after with those added back just in case

Then order it by the amount of searches

Then length for any ll, lll

Then add and look if any have good links

+ Can always check domainlore prebids

Doing that didn't take too long and saved my eyes and sanity
from around 5000 drops, I usually get it down to 150-200 per a day. You just need to filter it properly for what you are looking for.