Fake law firm link prospecting


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Jul 8, 2024
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Had a few variations of the below:
Dear owner of $url

We are contacting you on behalf of the Intellectual Property Division
associated with our client, Drop Cigar Club.

It has come to our attention that the following image is being used
on your website:

Image Details: $imgurlink
Location of Usage: $url

To ensure proper attribution, we request that a visible credit link
to $linktheywant be added below the image or in the footer
of the page.

This adjustment should be made within five business days. Please note
that simply removing the image will not resolve the matter. If no action
is taken within the given timeframe, we will reference Case No. abc123
and proceed in accordance with DMCA Section 512(c).

For reference, past usage records can be reviewed via the Wayback
Machine: https://web.archive.org.

This message serves as formal notice. We appreciate your prompt
attention and cooperation in resolving this matter.


Amy King
Trademark Attorney

Commonwealth Legal Services
3909 N 16th St, 4th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85016


Had a quick nose at the cwlegalexperts site - and its got a lot of AI feeling content, and the people on it felt a bit AI

https://speckygeek.com/copyright-notice-phishing-emails/ has concluded the same.

Not seen this type of link outreach before... bold move!
To be fair, if you are using copyrighted images, they should be attributed. I also think that most if not all law firms that come of the US feel very fake and AI, it's just how America is. Fake. It all feels very phony and unnatural. That being said, ignore it and see if anything happens.
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That's pretty sophisticated, almost impressive.

The giveaways being that the company name is Commonwealth Ltd in the footer, and also Commonwealth Law Ltd. Not the same thing. Also, a little bit of lazy research using shit gpt says one can't open a "Ltd" company in Phoenix, Arizona, they are LLCs or INCs.

Then, the 'how to' contact link in the footer doesn't work, it links to https://demo.maitheme.com/law/contact/. Bit of a giveaway that they've cobbled it together.
The problem with this scam is that it targets a specific type of person - those most likely to fall for it are also the ones least likely to know how to add a link.
this is quite common, has happened for a while - usually the targets are journalists for smaller newspapers etc. They find blog posts without attribution and claim it is their photo.