Gotta make up the threads somehowCan we have millions of irrelevant news feeds please?
MeowwwwwCan we have millions of irrelevant news feeds please?
Must be 15 of us OG’s here now. How about we setup a Ko-Fi or similar, perhaps something that pays out quicker. And we can all donate £1 or $1 or whatever.Like this?
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It's a paid add-on, can be installed if someone's willing to purchase it.
This.Must be 15 of us OG’s here now. How about we setup a Ko-Fi or similar, perhaps something that pays out quicker. And we can all donate £1 or $1 or whatever.
What about a suggestions node where we can vote on suggestions with donations. I’m sure we all want to build this forum forward in whatever way we can.
Would love this also if possible?When you get a notification email for a reply to a thread or a PM, could you include the message in the email?
okay, it's done.Would love this also if possible?
doesn't seem to beDMs don't have the functionality to insert an image like posts do. Is it possible?