How this forum should be run and moderated?


helpful admin
Staff member
Jul 7, 2024
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hey everyone!

As active members of this community, we have a unique opportunity to shape the way our forum is run and moderated. With the idea of the forum being owned and managed by a cooperative of its members, let's open a discussion on how we can best implement this vision.

The main points are:
1. Ownership Model
2. Moderation Policies

For (1), some of the viable options seem to be:

Distributed Leadership Model: Leadership and decision-making responsibilities are distributed among appointed committees.

Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO): a blockchain-based structure where decision-making is decentralized and automated through smart contracts. No single entity owns the forum; instead, decisions are made collectively by token holders. Members hold tokens that represent voting power. Proposals for changes or new initiatives are made and voted on by the community with the outcomes determined by the collective votes.
(No to DAO imho)

Would also suggest 3. Real names and verification.

If you have the confidence in what you say whack your name / company on it or similar? Or for those who don't want that public, some kind of back end verification (a bit like DomainLore) so you know you are talking to real people, and they can then take responsiblity for what they post, improves confidence and hopefully quality.
If community feels real names are essential for this not to turn into a cesspit, then so be it.
Identity verification can be hooked up and automated (although it has costs to bear).
For starters I wouldn't worry about it and wait & see how much actual moderation & validation this will need.
This thread is kind of crossing with this one:

I won't repost my comments but they can be read above.