Invoicing software/platform with API to generate PayPal invoices


Jul 8, 2024
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Does anyone know of an invoice or accounting platform that allows you to generate invoices through PayPal? I know you can you it via the PayPal API, but it would be much easier if something already existed rather than having to come up with a custom solution.

I'm specifically looking for something that can generate an actual PayPal invoice, not a third party invoice that has a PayPal payment option (eg: stripe).

Ideally it would also show basic data on the invoice in the dashboard as well - eg: payment status (paid / not paid) and fee charged. Not the end of the world if it doesn't, but would be a nice brucey bonus.

Before anyone starts... yes, I know PayPal isn't ideal and the fees suck. We have a side gig going on where well over 90% of people want to pay via PayPal and if you send a non-PayPal invoice, half of the time they kick up a stink and make you send it again through PayPal. Or they send the wrong payment amount and you end up having to chase them (eg: $100 instead of £100).

Obviously we could just invoice through PayPal, but it's not out main business and long term we want it to be almost entirely run by VA's and I'd rather not give the VA's PayPal access.
Most of the major providers of accounting platforms allow customers to pay via PayPal. QuickBooks being one (it's shit). Try Xero:

The feature you're describing though is likely only possible with a custom solution using the API.
Yeah we already have the pay via PayPal option with our current invoice platform, but it's not sufficient. Half the time they ask for it to be reissued through PayPal and the other half they ignore the payment link and send it manually to the address, very few people actually use the payment links.

Then we get the problem that some people then manage to cock up the payment amount somehow - eg: paying in the wrong currency, wrong amount - or they don't mention anything to do with what it's for etc... which means we have to chase our tails to figure out who it was from (there's obviously a payment email, but it often doesn't align with who we sent the invoice to).

Basically it would massively cut down our admin if we could just link up an invoicing system directly to PayPal to issue the invoices.
You can turn off the ability for people judtvto 'send money' which IME having integrated PP into a number of systems, solves most of the ptoblems :)
You can turn off the ability for people judtvto 'send money' which IME having integrated PP into a number of systems, solves most of the ptoblems :)

Yeah true, but I just want to avoid having loads of sub accounts. Especially as PayPal can be a bit funny sometimes and lock accounts willy nilly. The less we can do to rock the boat, the better.