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Hi Jeff,

I hope your well and great to see you here.


Thanks John. I have had better weeks! But it is great to see you and everyone else.
Thanks John. I have had better weeks! But it is great to see you and everyone else.
Sorry if I have contributed to that Jeff. For the record and for everyone else's ears, I am happy to state publicly that I have seen nothing that would ever lead me to think Jeff or Mo was involved in any pressuring of anyone. Neither of them would ever do that and I'm certain that they haven't done it here, and had no knowledge of anything that I believe went on.

Sadly I can't share with him what I have read because I was shown it in confidence. But I'm happy to state that I was shown nothing that involved these two people. Nor would I expect them to ditch an investment and time spent on a project without someone showing them first hand evidence of something.

There is nothing I would have done differently, or acted differently to how Mo and Jeff have over the last week. They've done everything right in my opinion.
Only ever had good experience of MZ. Domains transferred on trust. I was making payments in installements and sometimes a bit late. he was aways gentle. A real gent in my experience too.