New to AI - basic help needed.


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Jul 8, 2024
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A stupid q I know, so please be gentle, but if I want to use AI to use a spreadsheet for analysis purposes, can I upload a spreadsheet to the main free ais? And if so what is the best ai for spreadsheets with words and numbers?
Yeah, you can upload files to ChatGPT. What is it you’re trying to do? I think there’s also a specific “GPT” aka, plugin, for ChatGPT, that specifically handles spreadsheets.

You can also potentially use something like this which integrates chat gpt with your sheets tools:

To be honest not sure yet, have tinkered with ai, now want to work out how much analysis I can do on larger data sets,
To be honest not sure yet, have tinkered with ai, now want to work out how much analysis I can do on larger data sets,
I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable analysing a dataset using the likes of ChatGPT without being concerned about inaccurate output by way of hallucinations.

If the end result requires strict accuracy, you should do it manually first to ensure accuracy, then analyse using ChatGPT to see how they compare.
Sorting the prompt can help with that, with some basic 'dont add any new data or create data' etc , as well as ensuring it uses all data supplied. It sounds stupid, but OpenAI stuff fills in gaps creatively or makes gaps where you didn't think there would be any.
I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable analysing a dataset using the likes of ChatGPT without being concerned about inaccurate output by way of hallucinations.

If the end result requires strict accuracy, you should do it manually first to ensure accuracy, then analyse using ChatGPT to see how they compare.
All very valid points, but I am just investigating at this stage, just trying to see what can be done. I would not be relying on the answers at this point, just want to see what can be done etc. as I said, barely touched it, just want to see what can be done.
I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable analysing a dataset using the likes of ChatGPT without being concerned about inaccurate output by way of hallucinations.

If the end result requires strict accuracy, you should do it manually first to ensure accuracy, then analyse using ChatGPT to see how they compare.

You're right, Chris. I've been using ChatGPT for over. year now, with some success — especially with coding, and other stuff. But some stupid things it trips up on. A good one right now, is to ask it to tell you how many letter R's are in Stawberry. Not Strawberry — Stawberry. It also frequently makes shit up.
I too am fed up with chat gpt. The stuff it comes out with is bollocks most of the time.

I started using it for coding until I realised how much time I was wasting. Back to the classic search and look on stack overflow.
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I wonder what Google's Gemini is like for coding, has anyone tried? I tried knocking up a quick python scrip yesterday and it did ok, it was very fast. But I wonder how it copes with longer, more complex code.
I wonder what Google's Gemini is like for coding, has anyone tried? I tried knocking up a quick python scrip yesterday and it did ok, it was very fast. But I wonder how it copes with longer, more complex code.
I've not tried Gemini at all.

I gave Cursor a look last week to see what it's all about. It's "OK". It can implement some reasonable functionality within minutes, allowing you to build an MVP quickly.

I used it to build a very quick and easy Chrome extension for myself. I have astigmatism, and struggle to use dark theme websites. With the current trend to be dark mode only, it makes websites pretty inaccessible. My extension basically just inverts the HTML tag, then re-inverts images, videos, iframes, etc. You also get a range slider to adjust the level of inversion.

It's not a perfect extension by any means, but it serves the purpose for me. Because it's a theme inverter, it works the other way (from light to dark) too.

I also used Cursor to create a tool that would allow me to upload a bunch of server access logs, provide a UI query builder to filter results by IP, user agent, path, etc. It allowed me to create an MVP within an hour or 2, which probably would have taken closer to a full day if done manually.

By default, Cursor uses Claude Sonnet 3.5 (I believe), and that works pretty well.
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Thanks Chris, I hadn't heard of Cursor until now. I'm going to check this out in more depth.
Thanks Chris, I hadn't heard of Cursor until now. I'm going to check this out in more depth.
Be sure to check out, as it has some decent quick view walkthroughs of features.

Ian Nuttall on Twitter is a big fan and user of Cursor. Well worth a follow for niche website, and programmatic SEO based website content, too.
Be sure to check out, as it has some decent quick view walkthroughs of features.

Ian Nuttall on Twitter is a big fan and user of Cursor. Well worth a follow for niche website, and programmatic SEO based website content, too.
Downloaded it after I posted last night, and this is revolutionary. Holy shit.