Jack Bean

Jul 8, 2024
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REDOBLONG, Is this TAG holder a member here or does anyone know who they are and do a quick welfare check?

I am currently tracking domains on that TAG that have dropped or seem to be dropping. The names that this TAG holder is losing are names I would be buying if they were to appear on

I sincerely hope all is well and the current domain owner is well. If this is not the case I hope we don't have a scenario where the domains are out of reach of family members who should benefit from any forthcoming sales if any were to take place.

Seems to be a pattern lately. SLAINE dropped a few good .UK domains last week, now this. JMI passed on Acorn, and Ty Hancock (allegedly) met some sort of fate. Perhaps some names aren't supposed to be held.
Little Google search reveals their web address, I suppose you could ring them?

Any actually dropped? Lots of people wait until the 5 day delete window to renew.
Their business email is dead ie can't receive emails. It failed 2 separate verification tests and the feedback forms are hitting 404's. I also have a feeling the number will be dead when tested. '' is one of the dropped domains that got my attention. The newly registered owner (Splashweb) maybe able to shed some light on the situation going by historical checks on some of the other names under the 'REDOBLONG' TAG.

As for the website, not a typical modern-day representation of an IT company in 2024.

Also, company accounts are up to date but revenue is in sharp decline.

Last post of the owner of Red Oblong Limited on his Linked in was made 2 years ago (Looking for work)

Renewal required on


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The problem with domains like foodprocessors is there is very little end user use for a domain like that in 2024. The days are long gone of affiliates making any money with a domain like that. And no actual manufacturer wants that domain - they make 100 other types of products that aren't food processors.

I would put that on DL and if no bids I'd drop it too.