Oldcorn stats are in for last 30 days


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2024
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Trophy points

Would be interesting to see what they were before the exodus
I thought the same thing.

I'd love to see the trend in posts over the last 3 years. Even better, breaking down by category.
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Where were they sourced?
Playing devil's advocate, the last (rightmost) point on the graph may well be at 0 until stats are processed or the day ends. The two previous days are weekend days which normally see a dip. Looks worse than it is to me.

Still, would be interesting to see the stats excluding the automated posts.
Playing devil's advocate, the last (rightmost) point on the graph may well be at 0 until stats are processed or the day ends. The two previous days are weekend days which normally see a dip. Looks worse than it is to me.

Still, would be interesting to see the stats excluding the automated posts.
There is almost zero organic user generated content on that site.

Outside of imported feeds, UK Backorder and Domainlore Auctions, and the odd member domain sales, the only "organic" posts I've seen are from Helmuts asking for member input (but the only feedback Helmuts thinks is valid comes from MapleDots), and whether the over-engineered offline/online icon is good (it's not).
The dip is definitely pre-day process of that day stats. But this graph shows only, what, 70/80 members active ? Includes bots? Look at the baseline of content generated. That’s the real determining factor here.

Even then, how many new registrations are bots? How many new topics or posts are RSS feed bots? Last time I saw the stats public members on there it was 50k+ members on Acorn, now with only average 70 active? Painful. Very very painful.

Then there’s this shit…


???? 424 guests??
The 15mins can be expanded to make quiet places look busier.