Site analytics - what do you use?


New member
Jul 8, 2024
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Hi all,

I have been a using GA for years but have started a new project and been wondering if there are any better tooling to use.

What do you use?

Analytics used to be great, now it's terrible. We don't even bother adding to smaller sites any more.

When we don't use analytics, we tend to use clicky (paid). For the basic info it's pretty decent, and you can see all of you sites on an overview page, which is nice.

It is lacking in more detailed analysis though, you can only really look at one parameter at a time. But if you're just after a quick "how much traffic and where from" it does the job nicely.
Clicky, as @baldidiot said.

With clicky, you can also enable the option "multi-domain" - then add it to multiple sites and track all your sites with just one tracking ID. Makes it more cost effective.

I use the multi-domain server wide on sites I don't care much about / just want general information on traffic levels - would be great for parking domains etc.
Clicky(.com) looks like it's rocking a 2000s theme. :)

Probably a prime example that if it's useful, people will use it, even if it looks old.

Testimonials need updating... this one reneged on their commitment to clicky.

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We use Matomo self hosted, has a decent API we use for pulling out top level data for clients, also has an event tracker which we use for CTA click tracking.
We use Matomo self hosted, has a decent API we use for pulling out top level data for clients, also has an event tracker which we use for CTA click tracking.
I\ve used Matomo too and found it to be quite useful, especially if you want to keep data in house for GDPR type reasons. It is limited in what it can do in comparison to GA though.