Thanks for spinning this up

Yeah, it would be good to get the entire community over here.
yeah, that's the idea.

It's been decades since I had personal experience with the forum software and before opting for XenForo, I've evaluated several others, especially Discourse and Vanilla Forums. Both are free to self-host & open source.

They are both nice, but still - something wasn't clicking..

I realized that for the UKDNF vibe to continue, we need to re-create the visual identity as closely as possible.
It would be hard to get used to a different UI principles of Discourse type forums (which seem to me best suited for customer-support oriented communities).

Most .uk domainers are in their 30s or 40s (some are in 70s, yeah I know ;) and old-fashioned vBulletin type forums work best for us :)

So handing over for the license was an easier decision after evaluating those factors ;)