The big problem with


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Jul 8, 2024
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44 seem to not understand how to disavow rogue backlinks, either that, or they want to use their customers subdomains to boost the SEO of their own platform. After this post on Acorn, which Helmuts appears to have added to now with his bot accounts, I became increasingly concerned about the viability of subdomains. If you register one, you are technically under the "umbrella" or If they get penalised by Google, or otherwise receive negative effects from 15m spammy backlinks, then in turn it's shared reputation would affect your own standing with Google on
Helmets is participating in scamming people with pushing these turds
Yes and Helmuts is a helmet he just deletes posts on acorn all the time cant face any comments for people that ask him anything the guy is a proper dick head just leave him to it.
On the issue I posted on acorn and said it feels like you're treating your customer base like they're stupid with these ads.

I posted a screenshot of the ad and said if anyone wants to buy one of these at this price I'll donate £100 to a charity of your choice if you post proof you bought one.... nobody took me up on it and Helmet lived up to his name and killed the posts.
I'm not sure what ads I hate more, the ones or the random's for £75,000. Great deal mate, I'll take 10.
just visited the site; I didn’t realise Helmuts was part of their team. That explains his direction on AD. I thought was Ryan’s. Shows what I know.
I'm not sure what ads I hate more, the ones or the random's for £75,000. Great deal mate, I'll take 10.
Speaking of that, I noticed an ad on acorn the other day for some random domain business advertising some .uk domains that had dropped that same day. Thought that was ultimately a bit strange.
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It is what it is with, they have thrown so much money at it they have no choice but to continue to throw more until they eventually decide they are years too late.

You can't blame Helmuts for taking their money, they were the only ones offering it to him in the beginning, and as he said, without there would have been no summit, and let's face it without their backing he would have never have bought the 2 forums.

Helmuts is never going to bite the hand that feeds him, which is fair enough, sadly he and the guys needed to realise there isn't a market for the sub-domain in the UK and they should have left acorn alone and concentrated on dnforum, and then looked for different advertising relevant to the UK market rather than alienating everyone.

It is what it is now, and I think the best thing for all concerned is to just let acorn and disappear, the more we talk about and discuss how bad they are still gives them relevance and dictates the narrative of this new forum.
Wise words from @DJ

It is a shame as I joined Acorn in 2007 when I found out domain names had a value after failing with website ideas. It was a revelation and the community was, well like here, very helpful.

I considered reaching out to Helmuts to assist him with possible ways forward but alas it is heading in a non .uk direction, with the only discussions being had relating to discontentment raised by old heads and self love ins amongst a select one or two who need it to work to support their own investments. Sadly, it has been counter productive to this aim as they have alienated a huge group of possible users.

So yes, probably best to let it sail on with its skeleton crew to find buried treasures in fabled lands far far away.
Does anyone know of a list of these kind of sub domain / domains? I'm aware of a few (eg: but there's something I wanted to take a look at.
Does anyone know of a list of these kind of sub domain / domains? I'm aware of a few (eg: but there's something I wanted to take a look at.
None of the others suffixes have 15m backlinks from their own subdomain, no.