Is WordPress truly open source after all of this? I think Matt has clearly laid out that it is open source, under his rule... WPE can still develop plugins and update software, so I think it is still open source regardless - even if they can't use to update or be found in the plugin store. you can still install them, I buy software from Code Canyon and theme forest regularly that are not on
Yeah, I think that's the real issue that's being highlighted by all this. The infrastructure that makes WordPress seamless and so user friendly. It's always the stuff that is behind the scenes that is most missed when it's made unavailable.
I think WordPress as a framework is Open Source, but the infrastructure that runs the ecosystem of the official plugin and theme repositories, auto-updates, one-click button installs, etc, are going to become the premium service for businesses.
What scale businesses I have no idea. It would probably be defined by terms and conditions update of 'fair usage' based on queries/requests. Maybe even a 'credit' based system where you get 'x' request credits per month, after that you either pay financially or contribute to core/open source to earn credits.
That way, the infrastructure costs are covered, open source stays alive, and 3rd parties can't make millions/billions without giving something back in return.
I do get that argument of what Matt has raised, but he has diluted the argument in so many different ways, primarily by trying to highlight TM issues that weren't an issue until the last few months.