Domain name tools


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Jul 8, 2024
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What are people's go to everyday domain name tools?
( D'oh moment - this is where I find out after a thousand years, I should be using x,y, z too)

Mine are and DL's droplists.
For droplists I tend to use the one on ukdroplists, 30 days and has some handy filters.
Never understand why someone would want to look in droplists for more than 5/7 days in advance.

it's just a waste of time/resources, when the renewals are still in play?

The only reason I can think of is placing backorders via those services where one needs to be the first to secure the backorder.
But are any of those still left? and worth interacting with?
Never understand why someone would want to look in droplists for more than 5/7 days in advance.
Unless maybe?

There are a small number people (who do or don’t catch) looking to purchase domains possible before they reach the 7 day drop cycle; calling the owner or emailing them?
But the registrant's contact details of the suspended domain are not available, how someone can reach the owner?

It only works if the owner is well-known/domainer, but in this case it's even more likely that the domain will be renewed before the deadline.

IMHO looking into droplists for more than 5 days (pending delete grace) in advance is a waste of time. I personally only look 1-2 days in advance =)
I have added a rudimentary 'save' there which remembers your filter settings. However it is simply a cookie so may disappear.

Nice! If we're talking features... a TLD filter would be great as well to exclude's and so on.
Never understand why someone would want to look in droplists for more than 5/7 days in advance.

it's just a waste of time/resources, when the renewals are still in play?

The only reason I can think of is placing backorders via those services where one needs to be the first to secure the backorder.
But are any of those still left? and worth interacting with?

Part of it is to use those kinds of catching services if there's something I particularly want, but yeah there's less and less of those.

Tbh for me I just find it easier to just drop lists every four weeks or so and then not worry about it, rather than checking every week. There's a few niches I'm particularly interested in, so I'm largely search for keywords rather than hunting through the whole list.

Some will get renewed, but not the end of the world.
I use it every few weeks to double check by tag that I haven't let any domains slip through into the dropcycle I want to keep. But I agree - I don't see the point myself of using it past a week but lots of people like to load up their chasers for weeks in advance.
I use it every few weeks to double check by tag that I haven't let any domains slip through into the dropcycle I want to keep. But I agree - I don't see the point myself of using it past a week but lots of people like to load up their chasers for weeks in advance.

on that note, any chance of having a Next 7 days option on the date drop down?
But the registrant's contact details of the suspended domain are not available, how someone can reach the owner?
I was thinking people might, see a domain drop in the future they like, use the wayback machine to get a name or phone number from the old website if possible and contact them on the phone or linkedin or facebook etc.
I was thinking people might, see a domain drop in the future they like, use the wayback machine to get a name or phone number from the old website if possible and contact them on the phone or linkedin or facebook etc.
Okay, this makes sense. Emails would usually be non-functional, often being on the same domain, but social/phone contacts should mostly be reachable. Attempts to contact previous owners by looking up their data were quite popular back in the day (especially when WHOIS showed the address), but I can't recall any big catches that way. I guess there were a few we didn't know about ;), but most ended up with the owner sending thanks for the reminder ;)