How to transfer a name "the old way"


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2024
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I am getting old because this happens to me on an annual basis and I spend ages searching for this.

How do you transfer a name "the old way" via Nominet?

I've logged into Online Services and just cannot see where you instruct Nominet to transfer a name to a new registrant while paying £12 for the privilege. I've found it before (eventually), but can't see it this morning :)

Any help much appreciated and I'll then bookmark this thread for future senile moments.
When you log into your Online go down to the very bottom of the page and you should see Domain Manager. Sorry im on Mobile so dont have screen shots but you should see it.
Bingo! Thank you! I knew it was here somewhere at the bottom, but I hadn't scrolled down enough :)
You're not alone - this confused the crap out of me when they first changed it.