Just upgraded to a 15" M3 Macbook Air - what are you daily driving?


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Jul 8, 2024
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This is my second Macbook and I must say I love it! I had an M1 13" Macbook Air, but it died on Saturday and wouldn't take a charge.

I absolutely love the battery life and screen on the Macbooks so it was a no brainer to get another one, and I'm glad I jumped up to the 15" version!

What are you daily driving?
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yeah, M1/M2 Macbook Air's are the best in class.. I envy for these machines those who can stand reflective glass screens and run MacOS instead of Linux ;)
I started out on the original iMac G3 when it was released back in the 90's in a fetching Blueberry colour, people are turning those into fish tanks these days! Then in the 2000's got myself an iMac G4 which was nicknamed the iLamp due to its similarity to a desk lamp! In the 2010's I was on a unibody aluminium iMac, and now run on a M1 Mac Mini.
Ooops, sorry @dn just realised this should have been in the non domain generate chat and not this one - feel free to move!
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We alll have Macbook Pro from 2015 in the office.

We've tried more recent Macs, but 2015 is best for ports, keyboard and easily repairable/upgradable.

(and it runs an old copy of Photoshop too!)
Love Apple products, quality, secure and dependable (he says posting from a Fire)
I'm going to buck the trend on this thread :) My main machines have been Dell XPS 15's for years. Never had a single problem with them.
Google Chromebook here!

Been using them now since around 2012 and love the security, speed and battery life.

Does everything I need such as web browsing, logging into Wordpress sites and emails etc.

Someone else does all the Photoshop stuff and higher end tasks and they use a mac. Not sure what type though!
Sorry. Apple hater here, rocking a windows desktop at home and a shitty laptop for the day job. I find he desktop is so much more productive than a laptop.