Meet the NED candidates webinar


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Jul 8, 2024
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The ‘Meet the NED candidates’ webinar will take place on Wednesday 11th September from 14:00 – 15:30.

All five candidates will be joining the call. They are:

  • Rob Golding
  • Ashley La Bolle
  • Thomas Mangin
  • David Ward
  • Rex Wickham
This is your opportunity to hear directly from the candidates. You can submit questions in advance when you register or ask them on the day. We may not be able to ask all questions within the 90-minute session, so priority will be given to ones that are relevant to all candidates. "
Hopefully the attendance was more about members availability atvthe time than interest in the proceedings.

Whilst the recording may get more 'views' than the zoom attendance, it does limit the interactiveness - even if you reach out direct to candidates and get answers, those aren't added to the webinar/available necessarily to other members :(
There is an argument that not much from members = everything is fine.

Sadly I think its apathy after being worn down with not much ever changing.
I'm inclined to agree with you, Rob. Even UKRAC didn't do much to solve the issue. The real problem, I fear, is that Nominet genuinely don't give a shit about its members. That is, of course, unless you're GoDaddy or whatever and have lots of money to throw about. Yes Sir, no Sir, 3 portfolios full, Sir.
The real problem, I fear, is that Nominet genuinely don't give a shit about its members

There are definately people at Nominet who care about members/membership - although we just "lost" one of those after 2 decades of her fighting in our corner to MarkMonitor :(

Sadly the "pro member" staff are also those you're more likely to see engaging/being at events/contacting people etc, they tend to get the brunt of any complaints as well as unwarranted abuse which leads to them being less visible over time

But yes, I agree with your sentiment, the organsiation overall views/treats members as some legacy annoyance that they'd love to get rid of (and have tried to do so multiple times)

We have very little "push-back" on that overall ...
* voting being the main obvious method, particulaly in regards to the ratification of Nominets chosen non-execs, and the choice of member non-execs, whilst each individual may only account for 1/13th of a vote on a decision, getting a few of the right people at the board level may at least influence the perceptions

* feedback/interaction does help - All 'accredited' nominet registrars have an account manager, not sure about the other types. having been around a bit I have met all of them many times - they are all involved with (and in my experience superb at) soliciting feedback from the members they deal with and more importanly, in reverting that feedback back to Nominet - even when the viewpoint is a little 'out-there' they do present it

* consultations - I have lots of opinions about those - but outside of the UKRAC they are a (minor) way of influencing upcoming policy.

* events - again, I have opinions - but they do at least provide oportunity to go face2face with some Nominet directors.
If you have any opinions/ideas/requirements regarding Nominet events, please do let Olivia and/or Elaine know - direct or through the community forum.

Unless members stand up & show up, the org will assume silence (or minimal %age of voices) means eveything is fine.
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I’m out of the membership at present, but I had an idea a few days ago that might see me back on the roster at some point, but we’ll see. Would be nice to see membership being worthwhile again.