My WordPress project blueprint


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Jul 8, 2024
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I wanted to share my preferred WordPress setup, including theme and plugins of choice for any new WordPress project.

Depending on the project, some additional plugins will be installed, and others may be removed, but this is my project 'Blueprint'.



GeneratePress is my go-to theme of choice, as it provides me with a fully extensible theme that allows me to do pretty much everything I need straight out of the gate.

The only thing I do make sure of is that I instantly create a child theme. This is so I can make theme changes without modifying the original, making theme updates that much more straight forward.


Wordfence Security

If not the first plugin you install, Wordfence should definitely be one of the first plugins you install on a WordPress project, providing:
  1. Firewall.
  2. Live traffic monitoring.
  3. Block attackers/users by IP address, and/or country.
  4. Security Scanner, scanning theme and plugin files for malicious content.
  5. 2FA (two factor authentication).
  6. Login page CAPTCHA.
  7. Block logins for administrators using known compromised passwords.


Advanced Custom Fields Pro (or ACF Pro), has been a staple plugin for many years in the WordPress ecosystem. So much so, you'd think it would be built into core by now.

This plugin extends the functionality of WordPress almost limitlessly, especially if you have some coding knowledge. Even without coding knowledge, the ability to use shortcodes within the block editor means you can do some pretty basic, yet powerful things to boost your efficiency and functionality.

Fairly recently, ACF also provided the ability to manage Custom Post Types and Taxonomies, too. Which saves a separate plugin install.

Block Visibility

Block Visibility plugin allows you to build conditional and personalised content. It can make any WordPress block dynamic in just a few clicks. Schedule when they should be visible. Restrict blocks to specific geographic locations, user roles, screen sizes, query parameters, WooCommerce products, and more.

Used alongside ACF, the Block Visibility plugin is super awesome for creating programmatic content, enabling show/hide functionality based on custom field values.

Generate Blocks

GenerateBlocks provides a collection of just 6 incredibly flexible lightweight blocks that, when learned deeply, will allow you to build anything, including something along the lines of this:


Yoast Duplicate Post

This plugin allows users to clone posts of any type, or copy them to new drafts for further editing.

This is more of an efficiency plugin for you and/or your editors. Incredibly useful if the bulk of a Post or Page is duplicated, and you just need to make minor changes.

WP Activity Log

Keep an activity log of everything that happens on your WordPress sites and multisite networks with the WP Activity Log plugin to:
  • Ensure user productivity
  • Improve user accountability
  • Easier troubleshooting
  • Know exactly what all your users are doing
  • Easily spot suspicious behaviour before there are security problems.
I use this regularly to work out who made what change on multiple websites. Almost an essential plugin when you have multiple editors managing various websites.

Rank Math SEO

Over the years, there have been many SEO plugins sitting at the top of the pile. But for me, no other plugin provides the range of tools I'm looking for in one place - for free.

Having access to things like 404 monitoring, and the ability to implement redirects using the UI is a must.

Safe SVG

Not inherently an essential functionality for many people or websites, but it is for people who place pride in the scalability, responsiveness, and crispness an SVG provides for both logos and icons used throughout a website.

By default, WordPress prevents the use of SVG uploads, due to security reasons (SVGs can contain malicious executable scripts). As long as you know and trust the source origin of an SVG, this is a fantastic plugin to extend WordPress functionality.

WP Code

If you are a more seasoned user of WordPress, and you have even just a little coding knowledge and experience, this plugin can be a godsend for productivity.

This plugin makes it easy for you to add code snippets in WordPress without having to edit your theme’s functions.php file. You can also use WPCode to insert custom PHP code snippets, JavaScript code snippets, CSS code snippets, HTML code snippets, and text snippets with full conditional logic support.

I tend to use this on almost all websites these days, and I find the conditional logic extremely useful in some scenarios. When I am happy with the code snippets I have created, I then tend to migrate them permanently to the theme functions.php file after a period of time.

Final Thoughts​

I may very well add to this list over a period of time, but this is my go to setup for now.

If you have any plugins or themes you like to use that haven't been listed above, do share down below, as I may not have come across it!

Top tip for those less experienced with WordPress: Try to keep the number of plugins installed to a bare minimum. Not just because it can bloat and slow down your website (in some cases), but because every piece of third-party code you install is a potential security concern.

It's well worth signing up to the WordFence Security Alerts and Product Updates newsletter, just so you are made aware of plugin vulnerabilities as soon as they are known.
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I really liked Rank Math when it launched. I find now that when I spin up WordPress and ay, "Right, I'm going to give RM another go", I am ultimately disappointed. Why does every tool want to be straight up FAT these days, AI tools popping all over the place. Like, I just want it to work, help me manage my SEO better. That's why I always choose The SEO Framework over anything else.

One of my most underrated tools people never seem to mention is Query Monitor, I can't go without it. One of the first plugins I install, and right away it's telling me which plugins are providing the most bloat/errors and I can get rid of them.

ACF Pro is amazing and is only made better with ACF Extended plugin. I created Tales from the Trees with ACF Pro, and couldn't have done it without. I don't like WordFence, and don't shoot me for it, but I think it's a massive resource hog, especially since you can combat most of what it claims to accomplish, on server and with Cloudflare, even the free version. But that's just my two cents. I have used it in the past, and it has done a good job, but if you're on something small it's not worth the additional resources to run a WAF which could potentially tie up your entire IO if it's under attack, even worse on shared hosting.
I really liked Rank Math when it launched. I find now that when I spin up WordPress and ay, "Right, I'm going to give RM another go", I am ultimately disappointed. Why does every tool want to be straight up FAT these days, AI tools popping all over the place. Like, I just want it to work, help me manage my SEO better. That's why I always choose The SEO Framework over anything else.

One of my most underrated tools people never seem to mention is Query Monitor, I can't go without it. One of the first plugins I install, and right away it's telling me which plugins are providing the most bloat/errors and I can get rid of them.

ACF Pro is amazing and is only made better with ACF Extended plugin. I created Tales from the Trees with ACF Pro, and couldn't have done it without. I don't like WordFence, and don't shoot me for it, but I think it's a massive resource hog, especially since you can combat most of what it claims to accomplish, on server and with Cloudflare, even the free version. But that's just my two cents. I have used it in the past, and it has done a good job, but if you're on something small it's not worth the additional resources to run a WAF which could potentially tie up your entire IO if it's under attack, even worse on shared hosting.
I think the reason why SEO plugins can get quite chunky in features and size is because they (mostly) need it, otherwise you end up having to install a plethora of plugins to get all the features you need/want.

Like I mentioned in my original post, having the ability to monitor 404's, and implement redirects is essential for me. Auto HTML sitemap generation is also a nice feature to have, so to is the ability to manage robot meta tags for Post Types and Taxonomies.

Looking at The SEO Framework website, I'm actually struggling to see the features it has by default. I'm not saying it wouldn't serve my purpose, but it seems a bit light on features that I need, especially when I am the sole technical developer managing 20+ websites.

Query Monitor is a cracking tool that I have and do use for the purposes you mention. So whilst it is a very good shout there, it wouldn't be an essential (permanent) install for me.

As for ACF Extended - I've had my eye on that for a while, but am yet to hit a scenario where I've needed it. Probably more because I am an absolute skin-flint. There are definitely some fantastic DX and UX improvements in there that polish the usability. Another good shout!

You're not wrong about WordFence, but I think for the average user it's a must have. The average WordPress user isn't going to be comfortable or confident in Cloudflare. I use Cloudflare for all my personal sites, and we let WP Engine handle Cloudflare for us at work as an Enterprise customer.
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I use Bricks Builder, ACSS, Frames, Wordfence and Gravity Forms
ACSS looks interesting, so does Frames!

I've not had much exposure to Gravity Forms, as the sites I've inherited tended to have Contact Form 7 installed and heavily used, so we've just stuck with that for now. But on a couple of sites I do manage that have Gravity Forms, the UI is very nice, the features and extendability looks strong. Good shout here, I think!

Thanks for sharing, Jon!
Thanks for taking the trouble to post this @seemly.

What would you recommend for a novice (me!) who would like to learn WordPress offline and at their leisure before committing to any particular hosting company?
Thanks for taking the trouble to post this @seemly.

What would you recommend for a novice (me!) who would like to learn WordPress offline and at their leisure before committing to any particular hosting company?
Local by Flywheel is probably your best bet for that, especially for persisting your setup!

If you want a more temporary solution just to mess around, try the WordPress Playground.
I'm glad you say that, because that was the conclusion I came to when I looked into this a few months ago!

Have you used it yourself?
Looking at The SEO Framework website, I'm actually struggling to see the features it has by default. I'm not saying it wouldn't serve my purpose, but it seems a bit light on features that I need, especially when I am the sole technical developer managing 20+ websites.
It is light, that's the point for me. But whenever I install RankMath these days it just gets me depressed, there's all these popups and them now going about AI this, AI that. AI to write your SEO shit, but wait, you need to buy some credits - another popup lol. I was one of the early adopters of Rank Math and even signed up to their premium plan, but when they launched the AI stuff it was the last straw for me. Seems to be a trend, sadly.

Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 21.12.48.png

Local by Flywheel is fantastic, though on macOS at the moment there is an annoying bug with SSL where you have to go into the cert and auth it yourself manually. Not used it in a while though, but there is another good one but not quite as good as Local by Flywheel, doesn't feel as polished, and it's DevKinsta by (you guessed it) Kinsta, lol. I found it to be lacking, but I think Local spoiled me.

You know another thing that pisses me off lately @seemly is this "$4.99 /m (billed annually)" shite 😆
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I'm glad you say that, because that was the conclusion I came to when I looked into this a few months ago!

Have you used it yourself?
I have! As an Enterprise customer at WP Engine, they allow you to sync up your local and hosted environments at the click of a button.

It's not my normal development setup, but it's super handy, quick, and easy for non-dev folks.
there is another good one but not quite as good as Local by Flywheel, doesn't feel as polished, and it's DevKinsta by (you guessed it) Kinsta, lol. I found it to be lacking, but I think Local spoiled me.
DevKinsta was one of those I looked at. From memory it didn't quite commit you to hosting with Kinsta, but it was heavily tied to them so I rejected it.
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I use Localwp to run Mainwp locally.

Great way to manage multiple sites without running the Mainwp dashboard on a live website.
Ahh, nice shout!

We used to use MainWP, but working closely with WP Engine over quite a bit of time, I managed to get them to improve their admin dashboard that allowed us to move away from needing to use it.
I use Localwp to run Mainwp locally.

Great way to manage multiple sites without running the Mainwp dashboard on a live website.
Interesting, so can i ask running MainWP locally does it work ok ahve you had any issues. I might try this over the weekend. Great shout.
Interesting, so can i ask running MainWP locally does it work ok ahve you had any issues. I might try this over the weekend. Great shout.
No issues.

Simply install Localwp, spin up a local WP site and install the MainWP dashboard plugin and start adding your websites.
No issues.

Simply install Localwp, spin up a local WP site and install the MainWP dashboard plugin and start adding your websites.
Already installed LocalWP and MainWP and added about 5 WP sites already to test it so thank you for that, great tip.