Great set of candidates this year.We’re pleased to announce that there are five candidates standing for the two available seats in this year’s member-elected non-executive director election.
They are:
Full candidate details and their election statements are available on the Member Hub 3. We hope to organise a ‘meet the candidates’ webinar in advance of voting opening on Monday 23rd September 2024.
- Rob Golding
- Ashley La Bolle
- Thomas Mangin
- David Ward
- Rex Wickham
Thanks to all members who have taken part in the process."
I've known Rex for many years, him and Alan have saved my bacon loads of times. DDOS attacks, third party data centres getting flooded (my old data centre, not theirs) and then working into the evening to get me back live the same day, me turning my server off on Christmas day

All the candidates come across really well, best of luck to everyone involved.