Seeking genuine, real-life impacts from counselling/therapy

Autistic and ADHD here, I’ve been burned out for years, @seemly. If you find out how to feel better again, please let me know. I find everything exhausting some days, but the ADHD keeps inventing new projects and ideas for me.
I don't know what is "wrong" with me, so I have no idea where to begin. I'm not made of money, and I struggle to see why someone who is being paid to listen and help you has any desire to fix the cash cow.
My therapist is genuinely empathetic and wants to help me. She also has an enormous waiting list so there's no reason for her to keep me on a string.

My personal story is long. I'm pretty sure my past is not particularly traumatic. I was never physically or (knowingly) emotionally abused. I just think multiple life decisions that have either been made by others (most likely my parents when I was younger), or even decisions I've made as an adult haven't been the most ideal, and they've just compounded over time.

Mix this with world and life events that are outside of your control, a few personal losses thrown into the mix to slow down, or halt, your ability to process and compartmentalise certain events, and life starts to feel too much.
Therapy will help you unpack all this. I felt overwhelmed by everything swirling around in my head but talking it through and teasing things out gave me a new perspective and helped me understand why I am where I am.

I'm usually pretty good at recognising patterns in my behaviour, and I am able to get myself back on the "straight and narrow" in reasonable time. But at the moment, concentration and focus is non-existent. This means anything I would have previously done to help "heal" isn't possible.
This rings a bell after my therapist flagged up my lack of concentration and focus. Have you considered that you might have ADHD?

But the last 7+ months has been different. I can't even face opening the code editor as the obstacles start to feel too big. It's not due to analysis of the project as a whole, it's through a lack of desire or want. Maybe a form of burnout. Whatever it is, something is broken, and I've been unable to find it.
I relate to this big time. My head capsized at uni and I ended up bailing out of my degree in the final year because I couldn't even face turning on my PC. I had to go back to doing enjoyable things that didn't involve putting enormous pressure on myself. Do you have any hobbies?
You sound like you have "Paralysis of over analysation", it's crippling. Lots of people suffer from it without even realising it. My belief is that ADHD, depressions etc are branches under this term, it's natural and most of us will do it. There are some good steps top take once you have identified it.
My belief is that ADHD, anxiety and depression are the tree and overanalysis is the branch. I can't just tell my brain to stop overanalysing because it's incapable of accepting rational input when it's in rumination mode. It feels like my brain is in a clamp.

For instance, I'm currently experiencing a song going round and round and round in my head morning, noon and night. It's a familiar experience, and while it's intrusive and annoying, I've learnt to cope with it and my medication helps dampen it.

I went back on my meds a few years ago because desperate times called for desperate measures. They cut my rumination down dead and the relief I felt was fantastic. Working on the root of the tree prevents the overanalysis from flowering.

Some of our brains are wired up wrong. If therapy and medication can help alleviate mental suffering, I'm all for it.
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Sorry guys I’ve only skim read but is anything seasonal e.g. SAD and if not have you considered BiPolar
That escalated quickly 😂

Hopefully I haven’t offended anyone I think there is a spectrum as with all disorders plus many disorders overlap symptoms.

There was a lengthy thread over on AD I just remember someone overcoming lots of mental challenges with high doses of vitamin d spray.
You haven't offended me 🙂 It's good to have so many honest views and opinions on a subject that evidently touches so many of us.
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