Social Media branding help for a lengthy business name


Jul 8, 2024
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I've always been a fan of short snappy names and 1-word EMD/brand names, so this is a somewhat new problem I've found myself with.

How would you approach social media branding for a business that has a name that exceeds the character limits of the most popular social media platforms.

Let's use the example "Mechanical Engineering Parts"... The content side of things is not a problem and I can make use of a brand icon for the profile avatars.

But wtf would you approach the handle?

Things I've considered:

1. Disregarding the social media usernames and just using whatever is auto suggested (am I the only person it's gonna bother?)
2. Using some annoying abbreviation (eg, MechyEngyP 🤮)
3. Finding some obscure domain extension like .social to brand that then redirects to the main website.
4. Use another phrase consistantly across all profiles (for example etc.)

I'm leaning more towards ooption 4, but very interested to hear if anyone else has overcome a similar annoyance. I've always tried to keep everything inline with the main domain's brand name for previous projects - but here it's just not going to be possible,
Your display name can be 'Mechanical Engineering Parts' and then your user name should reflect how you maybe plan to use the social media, if its a professional leave alone with the odd posts then something more generic and wholesome. If the person running it is an ME and will be running it something like 'clankyparts' 'mehearrattles' 'WidowClankie' etc etc
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My go to is usually but since X stopped allowing periods in the username, it became an issue sometimes. So sometimes I use branddotuk. This is because most of the time I choose to operate on the .uk. But you can do other stuff too, like the company name. Register the .limited domain, or just use that in your handles. ie. brandltd. You can also create a sort of marketing pseudonym for your brand. With Brightwork, I won at auction, and did a branding campaign around it. So if I was to change my handles I could change from to bigclickenergy, for example. Obviously the other thing is to keep it cohesive across everywhere. Sometimes I have chosen a way to do it, and then found out I couldn’t have that format and had to choose another, and it just looks shit.
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We hit this with A Little Bit of Stone, on X we are just bitofstone
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We hit this with A Little Bit of Stone, on X we are just bitofstone
Sometimes with stuff like that you can do the initials for example (bad example, as it appears taken, but you get the drift), lots of those LLLL available and even more LLLLL, I did find a script to check for LLL usernams but I don't think it works anymore. Either way, probably zero of them. Plenty of LNN or LNL available though.