Well this is new


New member
Jul 11, 2024
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A few people have messaged me about this place and even though I’m pretty much retired in domains now, I was a regular lurker on the other (gone to the dogs) forum, so its nice to have somewhere else to lurk now
Welcome! Retired buying, selling or both? 😉
Welcome Frank

I wondered out loud a few days ago if anyone knew if you were aware of this place. Glad you found it, and welcome back into the real world where things make sense. 😂

Good to see you!

It could be a fun thread of ‘what you been upto’ catch up summary thread elsewhere - some interesting varied things out there!
Welcome aboard Frank! good to have you join us.
Welcome Frank!

Good to see you join the number 1 UK domain forum :)
Pleased you made it Frank... I was starting to worry you'd end up on your own over there!