Wordpress hosting recommendation


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2024
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I am looking at developing a few (small) WordPress sites.

Any recommendations for web hosting that works well with Wordpress?

Always been great for shared / reseller hosting.

VPS my goto is Cloudways.com
Another vote for Clook, they have always been good. Sounds like a reseller account would be the best bet as you want to host multiple sites.

Has a 1 click install feature for WordPress which is always handy!

I too am a 20i.com reseller account user, they have dedicated Wordpress hosting available.
You can use a droplet from DigtialOcean with easyengine - it is cheap to host multiple sites
If you know AdamH from acorn I use his www.rivmedia.co.uk/

I try not to bother him too much but If you're not super wordpress savvy and run into problems he is very kind and acts as the best tech support, very prompt with help too
For a long time (before the jacked the price up) I used WPengine.com....

But I have lots of sites on SiteGround - (brilliant 2 year long pricing you can get and its good hosting.
Also have 2 accounts a BigScoots... their support is GREAT.. they even help with bug fixes.