

Active member
Jul 8, 2024
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Caught has been down for over a week now and I was wondering if anyone had heard from Chris (aquanuke) and if all is okay?

I sent him a couple of emails to check in, but haven't heard back.

Anyway I hope all is well and he is just taking a sabbatical.
Both of the Poundhost nameservers on the domain are down/off.
I have an update on this. It must be closed for good as it looks like he has given up his Tag's also:


I tried a few times to contact Chris using a personal email address but got no luck, so I hope he is okay 🤞.
It was registered 2nd Aug 2024 (this month).
So it dropped and was caught.
I remember checking a few years ago which website had data leaked my email and it was Caught.
Did this drop? Strange there were no backorders, no mention of it being in the lists, no discussion etc. It is also not showing as being registered from a drop on that day (or in fact at all) at ukdroplists.
Don't remember seeing that drop either - from what I can see is that the domain was a renewal date of 09/03/24 back in early March, a 2 year renewal was put though so by early April the expiry was 09/03/26. I assume at some point the renewal invoice did not get paid and the 2 year renewal got removed by Nominet. I can only guess that original renewal date had past the 95 day drop cycle period when the 2 year renewal got removed, otherwise it would have appeared in the drop list in the normal way (even if making a late entry) and due to some glitch at Nominet did not go into rapid cancellation process either and just got cancelled.
Probably something to do with all the unpaid invoices leading it to be dropped out of sequence
Probably something to do with all the unpaid invoices leading it to be dropped out of sequence
Supposedly any domain that is going to drop has to be put through the pending delete cycle, even if dropped out of sequence, or deleted by tagholder etc - that was nominet's own claim. never entered [the Nominet] drop list according to my system. It's interesting if there are domains that don't show up in the drop list for whatever reason. I have encountered other domains hopping in and out of the drop lists - which is weird, but I've ignored them as there's only a small number of them. So the drop lists do have some issues at times.
Last edited: never entered any drop list according to my system. It's interesting if there are domains that don't show up in the drop list for whatever reason. I have encountered other domains hopping in and out of the drop lists - which is weird, but I've ignored them as there's only a small number of them. So the drop lists do have some issues at times.
Names can appear and disappear from the drop list simply by use of the renew and unrenew options that a tag holder has and this applies until the monthly bill is generated (when unrenew can no be longer used, Nominet seams to have a 'super' version of the unrenew). I never tried putting through a renewal on a name that is for example 85 days past it's renewal waiting say 20 odd days and then doing a unrenew to see what happens - I would hazard a guess that there is glitch in their system and it doesn't appear in a droplist of any kind. Just my thoughts on this.
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I am certain I remembered seeing on a dropped droplist. But I could be wrong. Are you sure it wasn’t on yours as well @ukbackorder ?? I know I’ve seen it somewhere. I remember thinking that it’ll be super competed for.

That being said, it could explain why Guy caught it, perhaps he was monitoring it, I know dropped have that feature. And if it wasn’t competed for, it would have been an easy catch.
No it never appeared in the nominet droplist. It's probably like John said. Another nominet 'glitch' :)
No it didn't drop. Noment said 'the domain was intended to enter the 5-day pending delete status, but unfortunately, it dropped immediately due to human error.'
So looks like they CAN delete a domain immediately or make changes to one that is due to drop. That should be interesting news for people who accidentally marked domains for deletion but were told by nominet that there's nothing they can do :p
I actively 'deleted' a domain using Nominet webthing which was after expiry date and not wanted - the name went immediately.