The Skool Bus


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2024
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The wheels on the bus go round and round
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I'm looking forward to the day the guy brings any value to the UK domain space, and/or more specifically, this forum.
It's all smoke and mirrors with him, no proof of any success whatsoever and you should pay him to be a mentor basically, or pay him for a 'dinner date'. That ad reads like something off Grindr. Anyone thinking he can help them with this consulting needs their own head checking.

I'm looking forward to the day the guy brings any value to the UK domain space, and/or more specifically, this forum.
I'm waiting for you to do something that adds value.
I think we should set up a similar group on this forum, and charge nothing for it. I have a strange feeling there's more knowledge in this forum, than the entirety of deadcorn. @rdce80 why don't you bring your domain group here? Or is that a conflicting interest, with your relations with Helmuts? Also my OP still stands, why dollars? I am genuinely interested.
I doubt it Ben. Show me one thing you have built or bought?
Ryan, let's be fair, we know you have used DomainSalesHistory. It's probably one of the most useful tools in the industry.
I haven't used it. Perhaps if you are talking about UK industry but then what else is there innovation wise?
I haven't used it. Perhaps if you are talking about UK industry but then what else is there innovation wise?
Well, ultimately we are in the UK namespace. I'm not seeking to offend you when I say, and I don't think you will be surprised to hear this, that isn't exactly innovating. Another marketplace? What sets it apart?
OK, but did you build it, or did you pay someone to build it?

That's very honourable, but I suppose it really comes down to your intentions, doesn't it? Are you doing that because it's a business decision you think will gather more brand appeal? Or are you doing that because you genuinely want to make a difference? Or both?
I spent 1,000 hours on it. I was the creative art director and the technical lead in terms of researching the tech and dealing with Nominet, Cloudflare and other enterprise relationships we needed.

I am doing it because i want to make a difference - it will garnish positivity because it is a nice thing to do but that is not the driving factor.

Sport played a huge part of my life so if i can help young people benefit from it then i will do my best. Nearly dying during covid opened my eyes to alternative medicine/spirituality and so if i can use my skills to help give someone a leg up then why wouldnt i.

I do not want to be in business. I am an academic and would have been in politics but for some bad stuff that happened when i was a child which is why i am so passionate to ensure that no other children have to go through what i did. Thats my why and thats why i will do what is needed in business to make a difference.
Well, ultimately we are in the UK namespace. I'm not seeking to offend you when I say, and I don't think you will be surprised to hear this, that isn't exactly innovating. Another marketplace? What sets it apart?
I think it is innovative because it is only UK domains. We cover VAT and at a fair price.

We haven't got to the exciting part of automating EPP or advertising but i would say the pair matching is pretty cool & innovative.

Ultimately it was a very complex project but by the end of the year we will have all that we need built.
Sorry to hear about your childhood trauma, I don't know you well, but no child deserves to be traumatised in any way, shape or form. I wish I could say more on that, but I am not qualified enough. Yeah, the positivity thing is what drives me too, you might have noticed a trend in the projects I tend to involve myself in, or perhaps you would if you looked. I think over the recent weeks, I have tried to draw a line in the sand with the drama between this forum and Acorn/you/Helmuts, and at times I have felt like I have needed to step in when it got a bit out of hand. But some things remain a mystery, and I think we'd all like to hear some answers about some things. Mainly, why do you get robbed so much? :ROFLMAO:
Haha - yes its happened a bit recently. I'm over worked and have a very structured life to be able to fit things in so when i go out i get totally smashed and am a bit vulnerable. I also like to have some time where i can not be the person in control, the person who is not accountable.

I haven't seen your work but will look into it.

The thing you have to realise is that i am tied down by what i can and can't say as apparently if you are authentic or honest it makes you un-investable (not that i even want investment).

People want to see Lambos, Property and girls - that's not a real CEO and thats not what motivates me to make a difference. Because i dont care about money i can take more risk.

All i want is to go back to Scotland and have a small place near a river and take the dogs for walks, ride my mountain bike and feed the pigs & sheep. No internet no money.

I remember being 5,6,7,8 & 9. I had a vision of going to Oxford or Cambridge university and it was so beautiful and so vivid. I was a year ahead at school and my brother and i use to build bridges over rivers, ride wild horses and go hiking with mum and dad.

One day when i was around 9 i was at my grandparents and woke up early. I went to the bathroom and my grandad (or nonno as we called him) had left the heater on. I feinted and banged my left eye on the bidet - its sounds posh but it wasn't - just that my Grandad was Maltese and ended up in Scotland as a prisoner of war when Gaddafi took over in Libya. He was very successful with his 2 brothers but they took everything. This is why we called the finance business Falbros (Falzon Brothers) in honour of my grandad. I also have 2 brothers so there is synergy.

I spent 9 months in and out of hospital and lost sight in my left eye. It gradually came back - not 100% but enough that i could get by.

My dad was in the Navy so they thought it best to put me & my brother in a military boarding school as in the late 80's there were big differences in education systems and the school was part funded.

I will always remember my first day at boarding school. I was Ewen 4189 - at boarding school you lose your first name for some reason. I'd only been there a few hours and decided it wasnt for me so i went to the headmasters office to be greeted by his secretary who seemed surprised that i demanded to see him. After a while i barged into his office and said i wanted to leave. He was pretty angry and i explained i wanted to leave. He thought it was funny and told Ewen 4189 to go back to his dormitory. I said no. He replied 'get out of my office or else...'

I stood my ground and said no. He asked me if i thought i was a big man - i replied no - i just don't want to be here. He took off his belt and gave me 10 lashes then repeated to go back to my dormitory - i said no and the lashes continued. After 30 lashes which felt like a life time he turned the belt around so the metal buckle was being used. I remember it like it was yesterday when he missed and the metal buckle skipped up and caught him above his left eye.

He lost his shit and had me up against the wall - my feet fully off the floor. I was 10 and a bit years old and this pathetic excuse of a man beat me with his fists. He was so angry and threw me out of the office. That day i stumbled back to my dormitory having lost a big part of my sight. That day the lights went off - not just my eyes but my vision for Oxford and Cambridge. I don't think its right that a child should have their light turned out.

I remember limping and feeling the wall trying to work out how to get back. My sight comes and goes but i have incredible hearing and see in a different way.

The boarding school thing lasted around 8 weeks - with many funny stories in between - from hiding in a river for 3 days after running away while being chased by 400 elite navy, army and military cadets to letter bash (a game you never want to play)

Life kind of went back to normal - and nobody knew - i settled into school in Stubbington and started playing squash. Squash works well for me because of the confined space which helps my vision because the sound is so acute.

I got pretty good - played county and national. Sport is my thing it gave me a channel to get my anger out in a positive way and i learned from boarding school that you can separate your body from your mind which is important in sport because to get results you have to physically push yourself to the edge to get results.

I never stayed in one place too long as i wasn't comfortable being me - and i didnt want people to know that i had a bit of a gift - i guess i was always running away.

During covid i jumped off a bridge in London - not to kill myself but i had been out running and my phone fell out of my pocket. I was tired and decided to jump in after it. I spent 2 years in bed - too weak to get out of bed. I re-evaluated my life and worked out what i wanted to truly do. I made an 8 year plan. People talk about doing a deal with the devil in business but i made a gilt (promise) with god. I said if he gave me the energy and strength to get out of bed then there would be no more running, no more hiding, i would go for it and i would change the world. (Dont miss-understand this point - this isnt about being elon musk - but instead we all have the capacity to make people smile and start the day the right way -- its called the butterfly effect in Maths).

And so here i am - thats my why - just because i didnt have a community, country, government or guardian angel that cared enough for me doesnt mean i have to carry it with me. I look back at is as an elite training camp to prepare me for what comes next....
Not really.

Brandable was built from scratch.

We also do community work which i am proud of

  1. Well done on redesigning and rebuilding the wheel (which leaked sensitive data). Very innovative.
  2. Your definition of a premium domain differs from mine.
  3. Well done for spending money to make yourself feel better, which I guess makes you feel like it makes up for being aggressive and rude towards people. People that are right to have doubts about you, because you don't paint the best picture of yourself in public, with your inconsistency in positive business and positive energy, yet you bring your negative, aggressive and attacking energy here to this forum.
I think it is innovative because it is only UK domains. We cover VAT and at a fair price.

We haven't got to the exciting part of automating EPP or advertising but i would say the pair matching is pretty cool & innovative.

Ultimately it was a very complex project but by the end of the year we will have all that we need built.
So what you're agreeing with here is that currently Brandable has no innovation. What you have planned for the future doesn't make the current offering innovative.

Your definition of innovative also differs from mine. Pair matching doesn't feel innovative - it feels obvious. Good UX, yes. Innovative? No.
You are lucky to not be in prison sunshine
as you claimed, you were not the reason of UKDNF renunciation - was it perhaps in a same "non-threatening" friendly manner, as to how you've approached its admin back then?
I'm waiting for you to do something that adds value.
  • You don't bring any value.
  • No, you don't!

It's like children, pointing fingers at each other, instead of a grown-up argument.

Anyone criticizing you does not need to portray 'value.' They are not trumpeting themselves on every corner, advertising their 'paid membership groups,' dinners with a 'visionary,' or paid weeks of the 'Ryan experience.' But when you do all that, you should expect to be questioned and prove your worth and what substance is there, if any.
Firstly, I don't know @rdce80. I've never met him, done business with him, spoken to him on the phone, or exchanged emails or PMs with him. Neither he nor anyone else has asked me to speak up for him.

Does he make things up and exaggerate other things? Undoubtedly. To give just one example of many (from his recent Berlin misadventure), there is no way he would have been given an involuntary Depixol injection unless the doctor doing so knew his medical history and any other medication he was on. Germany 2024 is not Germany 1944.

Having said that, today's posts on multiple threads (not just this one) look to me like an ugly pile on that does this forum no credit whatsoever. Sure, Ryan has lashed out at some people, but as far as I can see, only in response to those who've taken a pop at him first.

Let's be honest here: it takes some cojones to read what's been written about him on this forum and then join up and take everyone on. Nobody seems to have given him any credit for doing this.

So my request to the army who are against him is simple: give the guy a break.

My advice to Ryan may or may not follow tomorrow, depending on whether I can convince myself that he might take some notice...