The .uk domains spotted in the wild thread

Since Jan 2023 .UK has lost in the tens of thousands, .CO.UK has lost hundreds of thousands.

I'm confused... All owners were informed about it.
I made thousands off this. I spent months before RoR, cold calling companies non stop. I'd tell them their .uk was going to be available to register, and that they could pre-order it with us for an £XXX deposit, I then added it to the list of domains to catch. Some were successful, others weren't, but either way I made bank because the deposit was non-refundable, as the resources had been used.

Seen a gap, took it.
I wish my hair was advancing instead of receding.
Late last year mine started dropping out alopecia style, then turned pure white, missed the grey stage and went pure white. @whois-search and another scrolled friend thought it was funny, brought out some new names for me. No sympathy whatsoever 😢.

Anyway reason I mentioned it is that I went to the docs who did a blood test and discovered my iron levels were on the floor, basically anemic. Diet change, heavy hitting iron supplements and things have started to return. So if you anyone is having issues, just get some bloods checks done at the docs as it may not be comeplety hereditary.

Hair loss never bothered me anyway, but it maybe a sign something else is wrong, something that can be a bigger problem if not fixed. which bizarrely forwards to
I've just driven across the country. I saw these emblazoned on lorries, they seem to like the .UKs:


Logistics have a thing for .UK names .
I've just driven across the country. I saw these emblazoned on lorries, they seem to like the .UKs:


Logistics have a thing for .UK names .
Did you notice too and if so what kind of ratio was .uk compared to re this journey?
I caught back in 2022, and ended up selling it for a measly sum at auction. The other day, in my own town, I see Civil Contractors GTM digging up the roads. I google them, apparently pretty big company. Sort of kicking myself about that one as I'm confident I could have sold it to them. If webber is on here yet, get in touch, if you want some cold sales done I will take 40/60 your way on sale of it.

Slightly off-topic but whatever
Did you notice too and if so what kind of ratio was .uk compared to re this journey?
It goes without saying that there were more and .com names and both were more numerous than the .UKs.

I even saw a car with on the back which I thought was really nice.

But I'm seeing more and more .UK names, no doubt about it.