*ummit Questions 2024

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-£20k loss for it.
It sounds like his hosting businesses are successful though, else £20k would be very painful.

Saying that, I've made plenty of decisions that have cost me more than £20k, so he's not the only one!
The micro company accounts don't look that healthy. I might be wrong though cause I'm not experienced in interpreting them.

Maybe the £20k black hole is before the sponsors coff up.
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Considering it started with a fake post, this thread is certainly attracting a lot of attention.

I've just been for another stroll in the park (I love it there now it's so quiet) and I came across an excellent thread from last September about the last summit and the early preparations for this one:


TL;DR: Lots of people - including @whois-search - giving Helmuts good advice, but him taking little or no notice and going his own sweet way.

It's a definite foretaste of what was to come, so well worth revisiting.

Sticking with the Paris theme: Plus ça change...
I just don’t get the purpose of this kind of “summit” (more “plummet”). What extra business could I get over visiting their website/sending an email/p2p on places like this?? My potential clients will not be there either. I see zero benefit apart from tax relief costs of the trip.
Considering it started with a fake post, this thread is certainly attracting a lot of attention.

I've just been for another stroll in the park (I love it there now it's so quiet) and I came across an excellent thread from last September about the last summit and the early preparations for this one:


TL;DR: Lots of people - including @whois-search - giving Helmuts good advice, but him taking little or no notice and going his own sweet way.

It's a definite foretaste of what was to come, so well worth revisiting.

Sticking with the Paris theme: Plus ça change...

I've never been one to want to see people fail, so I am almost looking forward to hearing/reading about the outcome of the summit.

There truly was some stellar advice from a range of experienced members, and it was all so swiftly brushed aside as if it was nothing. It read as if Helmuts was taking it as a personal insult rather than it being well thought out advice from people that genuinely wanted to see it succeed. Because why wouldn't they? A conference that truly helps to raise the profile of the .uk market, and drive sales, who wouldn't want that?

Even looking at the members that had positively interacted with the posts of advice by way of a 'like' should tell you it holds value.
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(more “plummet”)
That's what the cat is doing in the summit stickers:


I've never been one to want to see people fail, so I am almost looking forward to hearing/reading about the outcome of the summit.
I wouldn't go that far. Sure, I'm pissed off with him for his capricious deletion of posts, threads and entire accounts (including mine) at Acorn, but at the end of the day it's his forum to wreck if he wants to.

I don't know when he came to the UK, but assuming it was after Latvia joined the EU he would have grown up in the former Soviet Union with all the onerous restrictions that entailed. He of all people should value freedom of expression, but apparently not. So yes, I hope his "beautiful park" experiment fails and is seen to fail.

However, the summit is a separate business that has never done anything to me, so I have no preference when it comes to its success or failure. Given the thread I linked to in my previous post, the fact that tickets are now being given away (again) and his admission that he's already down £20k, I think it's very unlikely to make a profit, but he'll probably say that's not how he chooses to measure success. If he admits to making a loss I imagine he'll just say that he sees this year as another building block for the future.

The question is: where is the money coming from to fund all these losses?
Murder, arson…. see what you are missing AD
Latest from the beautiful park: Helmuts is effusive about this blatant advertorial in DNJournal:


Bizarre penultimate paragraph:

Meskonis added, "There are various sponsorships available, and full tickets are available for £450 ($575), and Free 1-Day Session Passes are available at Eventbrite (created for industry companies up-to 5 employees): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/967626305327 and https://www.eventbrite.com/e/967638692377

In other words, you can either pay £450 for the whole 2½ days, or you can get 2 of those days for free.

Hmmm, let me think about that one...
I wonder what would count as a success? You'd imagine somewhere between 1000 and 5000... across the 3 days? I genuinely hope he has success.
According to this post, last year he had 372 registrations (36 of whom paid £50 each) and 235 attendees.

Given his antics in the beautiful park and the resulting exodus of many potential attendees, I imagine he'll consider similar figures this year a success.

I think 1000 is pie in the sky, let alone 5000.
This stream is doing the rounds
it has some room spins, appears to back up what one person attending has said: "sparse" - it might get busier later mind.
I'm impressed with the number of speakers he has secured to speak. It would be amazing if it helped increase the profile/value and demand of uk domains.

But conversely, the risk is .... a badly attended event could have a negative overall impact.

I'm hoping those going have some positive news to share when they report back here.