*cornDomains Forum Attracts New Talent

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Jul 8, 2024
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The exodus was apparently so dramatic, that the forum now needs "bots" or cheap labour (you decide who he is), to make conversation filler posts on any topic possible, in a desperate effort to re-ignite some activity.

Do you believe a new forum member, joined 30 July, would go on such a posting spree, making threads with silly questions, a la "difference between Google Adwords and Adsense", like there is no Google Search or ChatGPT to find those answers?

faking it and never making..

My fave was asking Helmuts if he was a good dancer. The low budget contractor is so shite it is turning into good comedy.
Deep is going deeper. His latest philosophical poser has got me pondering.

What do you prefer more: mustard or tomato sauce?
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I am so tempted to flood AMA Helmuts with so many banal questions it is untrue but let’s not give hope to the skeletal carcass of our old dear loved one
He also joined DNForum on the same day, but not namePros for some reason.

Do Acorn and DNForum have anything in common I wonder?
So the guy openly advertises that he will post on forums for a fee, then posts in his own name and namechecks Helmuts.

Sorry, but it's so un-subtle that I think it might be someone Helmuts has pissed off trying to embarrass him by paying for these posts.

The way to find out would be for someone who still has an Acorn account to post @rb5's fiverr link in the AMA thread and ask Helmuts if he was aware of it. That would put the cat amongst the pigeons...
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So the guy openly advertises that he will post on forums for a fee, then posts in his own name and namechecks Helmuts.

Sorry, but it's so un-subtle that I think it might be someone Helmuts has pissed of trying to embarrass him.
Look at the DNForum reply from Helmuts "Long time no speak"
Look at the DNForum reply from Helmuts "Long time no speak"
I take your point, but that might be Helmuts' way of following his own Rule #1 and politely saying "I don't remember you". Hoist by his own petard!

You found the fiverr link, and I see your Acorn account is still active, so why don't you just ask him? Politely of course...
I can barely watch.

I wonder if he'd sell... and how much for.

Or is the damage already to great?
On a more serious note, I am a little confused about which categories I choose on Pinterest gaming, cartoon, or tech please help me.
I take your point, but that might be Helmuts' way of following his own Rule #1 and politely saying "I don't remember you". Hoist by his own petard!

You found the fiverr link, and I see your Acorn account is still active, so why don't you just ask him? Politely of course...
Dire, desperate stuff.

As many have posted over recent months it is sad to see, but if people make choices and ignore advice from people with best intentions....
Tommy K for the win every time...

He wants to buy more forums...?
"Deepak is on training with me."

That explains everything. Helmuts' latest venture is educational, and he's trashed Acorn so he can use it as a case study in how NOT to run a forum.

His complete disregard for the optics of this beggars belief. I think he must see himself as some sort of visionary, and anyone who questions what he does as a lesser being who will be proved wrong in due course.

The trouble is, 99% of self-certified visionaries are just cranks.
To me this is shocking, I often have questions and have reached out to members asking advise privately and on a forum and always grateful for people time and always think it’s not such a bad world where people are will to give up there time to help me.

Truly can’t fathom / get my head around what he has done, it’s seem really disrespectful to others wasting peoples time; I’m shocked (unless I’m picking this up wrong).

It’s that bad, I thought to myself am I really reading this correctly; but I was mind blowing.
The thread over there is surreal, not just with the paid poster being outed and then defended, but the new owner now outright lying.

Off acorn owner:
Acorn is clean now from individuals who can insult you at any point they wish to. This is a huge victory for us.

Let me re-phrase it. I have a daughter (very curious about domain names, mathematics, statistics). Is this a safe place for me, you or someone else to recommend their children to come and learn more about the domain names? Before - it wasn't (that is the fact). Now, I really hope, it is.

Yes, the pub has been reorganized in a quality restaurant with a code of conduct. And we have lost conversations of individuals who don't want to accept the change.

This is the owner and forum that allowed direct grim homophobic abuse to be sent to someone, and booted the victim. It took a fair bit of pressure to have any action taken against the person sending the abuse, which then was just a temp ban.

The user who posted the homophobic abuse is still active , and is one the remaining posters, on there.

I would link to the threads to evidence the above but they were deleted and the matter swept under the carpet as is now sadly standard.

So no, Acorn isn't 'clean' from those who insult others as they have been allowed to remain. I wouldn't and couldn't recommend it as a 'safe place' for anyone - let alone 'children'.

All of the above are from the literal choices and actions of the new owner, despite how much he tries to blame or influence others.
I thought there was a strong chance he would pay people to post on the forum. Short of adding some useful tools and unique content to attract new users in a bid to reignite the forum (which would have been better), it's just about his only option. When you have sunk a load of cash into buying a forum and it soon after gets dumped by most of its users, you can either write it off and hope to recoup some of your losses monetising the meagre level of traffic it still has, or keep posts coming from your own hand or by paying others.

But if you're going to pay someone to post up fake posts, you really don't want to make it easy for people to find out! It looks unbelievably desperate and it totally defeats the object of conjuring the illusion that the community is still alive! And paying someone 8p a post is blatantly a strategy doomed to failure. You're never going to get quality posts from people with expertise that might spark off a juicy long thread for a measly 8p! It's obvious you're going to get a large number of very short posts, and this is bound to be very bad whether they are replied to or not. It's totally predictable most of the posts will go without replies and hence will just be even more thin spam threads in a forum already drowning in spam, and the odd 8p thread that might spark replies - then you're just wasting genuine users' time replying to fake posts. And if you're then found out that you're trying to hook your users into engaging with fake paid posts, wasting their time like that... you're going to piss off the last few users! What a joke, this whole saga just keeps going from bad to worse!