Ryan - AMA

Buddy what have you ever done in life that warrants anything noteworthy. Maybe thats why you never say anything because put simply there is nothing you could say that would be of interest...
Since I lost a close friend in my 20s who died in his sleep I tend to work on the basis that waking up alive and well on a morning is the biggest honour that anybody can receive, and that anything else productive that happens in that day is just a bonus. And if shit things happen in that day its all good, because you'll likely receive the biggest honour again the next morning.

As a result I respect all jobs equally and care very little about status or accolades. Bin man, lawyer, whether living in the posh bit of Harrogate or the rough bit of Gosport, both doing the same thing, just people getting out of the house in the morning to keep the lights on and food in the fridge, and their kids fed if they've got any, both fortunate to have just woken up another day.

Comparison is the theft of joy, and one day it will all be meaningless because they'll be a day that will be your last.

If you are open to receiving one piece of advice from me (unfortunately I don't really have any recent significant success stories or accolades to share, beyond being a deeply reflective and philosophical individual) it would be to stop talking publicly about what you are planning to do, and stick to talking about the things you actually do, when you do them. You are just putting unnecessary pressure on yourself to deliver on those promises, and open yourself up to criticism if they don't eventuate. By keeping them close to your chest you are essentially reserving the right to pivot or withdraw from the plan.

The only people that need to know about plans are the key stakeholders in your business(es) excluding customers, everybody else is just a potential or existing customer. Look at Atom.com, they announce features on the day they are rolled out, they don't really share a development pipepline.
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Since I lost a close friend in my 20s who died in his sleep I tend to work on the basis that waking up alive and well on a morning is the biggest honour that anybody can receive, and that anything else productive that happens in that day is just a bonus. And if shit things happen in that day its all good, because you'll likely receive the biggest honour again the next morning.

As a result I respect all jobs equally and care very little about status or accolades. Bin man, lawyer, whether living in the posh bit of Harrogate or the rough bit of Gosport, both doing the same thing, just people getting out of the house in the morning to keep the lights on and food in the fridge, and their kids fed if they've got any, both fortunate to have just woken up another day.

Comparison is the theft of joy, and one day it will all be meaningless because they'll be a day that will be your last.

If you are open to receiving one piece of advice from me (unfortunately I don't really have any recent significant success stories or accolades to share, beyond being a deeply reflective and philosophical individual) it would be to stop talking publicly about what you are planning to do, and stick to talking about the things you actually do, when you do them. You are just putting unnecessary pressure on yourself to deliver on those promises, and open yourself up to criticism if they don't eventuate. By keeping them close to your chest you are essentially reserving the right to pivot or withdraw from the plan.

The only people that need to know about plans are the key stakeholders in your business(es) excluding customers, everybody else is just a potential or existing customer. Look at Atom.com, they announce features on the day they are rolled out, they don't really share a development pipepline.
I love you for this, over the last decade I have adopted this exact attitude. I recommend this book to anyone, as it really changed my life — The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday. The beauty of it is, you can just open it up on any day, in any order, in any year, and get instant good value.

Its called reverse cannibalisation - you don't need 100% to own godaddy. You just need enough to have a 'controlling' share either individually or in a group.

The best thing about this is that i've said by 2029 so we can watch this play out one way or another in the next few years. Like domainer reality tv!
Yes you can kick the can down until you're forgotten about
Fair point - depends which side of the coin you are on.

Personally i don't dropcatch but if i did i would undoubtedly have the best system. At the moment it is more cost effective to buy from dropcatchers so i am a winner and you guys win - everyone wins
you are delusional if you think this - thing about dropcatching, you can't "fake" how good you are (as you see to do with all your other online ventures), we can see which domains you get.
I recommend The Big Book of Nihilism, which doesn't actually exist, because everything is ultimately fucking meaningless.
I can’t agree that everything is meaningless, as I find meaning in living everyday. I’ve overcome some difficult times in my life, as both adult, adolescent and child. I’m thankful that I never gave up on myself, and most recently Stoicism has given me the pathway to channel the thoughts that were already there, into something useful, through all the ADHD fog. Being able to just pick this book up whenever I want on whatever day I want, without the demand of needing the read through a whole book, which I can no longer do - is freeing.
Nothing has inherent meaning. You find meaning because you create meaning. Creating meaning makes life liveable, which is how I rationalise the absurdity of existence.

I find the Stoics a tad dour and preachy, but their teachings hold essential lessons.
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For something to have meaning, it needs to have an existence or carry out activities which have a purpose, as opposed to existing or acting randomly. We see all around us a world where countless orders of beings, who themselves have amazing designs, are carrying out what they need to do for their existence and working to one extent or another in harmony with the whole. Everything they need has been provided for them and their existence in turn is providing sustenance for other beings. We are surrounded by meaning all the time if you are willing to accept that a higher intelligence has created this amazing universe and all its remarkable designs from the subatomic building blocks to the countless intricate lifeforms to the unfathomable movements of the cosmos, all carefully balanced in the whole. Therefore there is purpose and meaning everywhere from the amoeba to the next Wordsworth writing his insightful poem for millions of humans in the future to ponder and enjoy.