The Skool Bus

Hey Mr T! I hope all is well.. I can certainly vouch for Jeff. I've known him for over 20+ years, and he's one of the most trustworthy people I've had the pleasure of doing business with and speaking to regularly. It's not just because of his background as a family lawyer and being a large domain portfolio holder, but also because of the way he conducts himself both online and offline. He's one of the genuine ones out there.. just like you, David, and Mo!
I've known of him a long time too but I can't for the life of me understand why you've brought 'trustworthy' into this conversation, when I only asked @ben about his knowledge of the person being 'a very good businessman' which is an entirely different thing to trustworthiness.
I've known of him a long time too but I can't for the life of me understand why you've brought 'trustworthy' into this conversation, when I only asked @ben about his knowledge of the person being 'a very good businessman' which is an entirely different thing to trustworthiness.

Valid point. I should have just said ‘good businessman,’ which he is, but I ended up typing what I was thinking.. ‘trustworthy’ (I have a habit of doing that, grr). Let’s go with a hybrid version, Lol.. ‘He’s one of the most trustworthy businessmen I’ve had the pleasure of dealing with.’ I felt adding the trust part gave my post an extra layer of niceness, but I hear you, Mr. T. 👍
Valid point. I should have just said ‘good businessman,’ which he is, but I ended up typing what I was thinking.. ‘trustworthy’ (I have a habit of doing that, grr). Let’s go with a hybrid version, Lol.. ‘He’s one of the most trustworthy businessmen I’ve had the pleasure of dealing with.’ I felt adding the trust part gave my post an extra layer of niceness, but I hear you, Mr. T. 👍
I can't recall any reason to distrust him either, but that wasn't what @ben was commenting about or I believe he would have said so. If someone writes that a particular person is 'a very good businessman' I feel it reasonable to ask them to explain in what way they know this. :-) That is all I was getting at.
His partner, Jeff (@atlas) is a very good businessman
If you detailed us to what extent you have reliable knowledge of the person being a ‘very good businessman’
Surely his name alone is enough to tell us that not only is he a very good businessman, but he has many other positive attributes too.
Surely his name alone is enough to tell us that not only is he a very good businessman, but he has many other positive attributes too.
Serious people don’t evaluate people based on ‘name alone’. History is littered with numerous examples of this sort of mistake.
Serious people don’t evaluate people based on ‘name alone’. History is littered with numerous examples of this sort of mistake.
Which is why I based it on my experiences with the person in question.
Which is why I based it on my experiences with the person in question.
You still don’t appear to want to explain in any detail what your experiences of him being a ‘very good businessman’ are. I won’t ask again. However some of us are also critical of others on here, including but not limited to DNJ, when those others make statements they don’t substantiate with any explanation. I’d have thought that in your case it would be easy, if you could. I’ll leave it alone because it’s repetitive now. :-)
I actually think this clown only posts on here after a few large Gin and Tonics if you catch my drift. Dutch courage all the way and let the built-up rage out in sporadic blasts of incoherent contradicting bollocks. I personally see this idiot as a 'mouldy walnut' with a very dim future. Entertainment at best is what he provides.
You are a loser with or with out G&T
You're right buddy and it is commendable that you show such good character now you have realised there is a high probability the gentleman we are discussing is as nutty as a fruit cake, however, I drew that conclusion some time ago and decided to ease off with my 'forensic' analysis of his professional public statements. However, there are many types of 'fruitcakes' and the 'mental health' umbrella should not be the case for every oddball. As you are aware, there are nice fruitcakes and scheming calculating fruitcakes that are of bad character and we as a community should determine each and every case on its own merits and either show or be sympathetic or stick the boot in. I have now formed my own opinion where this guy is concerned and the gloves are off. Big picture, there is a wider community globally that needs safeguarding from certain elements, especially in a teeny weeny industry like ours and it makes matters worse when so-called industry journalists don't do their homework and give any clown with a big gob a platform to manipulate the masses of unsuspecting novices.
Chatgpt 100
Sorry mate, that was me, I wanted to delete the whole thread but don’t think I can. Just want us all to move past giving this person attention. Either way, the guy needs help and like someone else said to me, if he does, I don’t want to have a hand in bringing his mental health further down.
I assume this relates to me - not sure why the mental health card gets thrown in when people dont like something
It’s a matter of public record that you were born in April 1980.

If you were ‘10 and a bit years old’ at the time of the incident you have described above, it presumably occurred during the second half of 1990.

Although corporal punishment in state schools was made illegal in 1986, it wasn’t made illegal in independent schools until 1998 in England.

What you describe is assault. Name the person who assaulted you and the school where it occurred so they can be written to about it.

Although not implausible, for a 10 year old to be treated in the manner you describe in late 1990 seems quite unlikely. Times had changed in independent schools by then. Corporal punishment was frowned upon and likely only used in very severe circumstances and after permission from the parent or guardian.

Your LinkedIn profile says you attended university 1996-1998. That would have mean you attended from the age of 16, pre A level. Did you attend and did you complete the degree or did you drop out?

Forensic half baked analysis once again
I hear what you're saying, and I partially agree.

Insist on putting yourself front and centre, make wild baseless claims of potential plans, and unsurprisingly people are going to have stuff to ask/say.
  1. A future announcement of Domainlore acquisition (DING!).
  2. Bunging Nominet £5m to remove dropcatching, and move over to an auction based solution (DING!).
  3. IPO 2029 Market Cap $100bn.
  4. Run for Prime Minister 2032.
  5. That there's more chance of buying GoDaddy than GoDaddy being an exit plan.
  6. etc.,
But what is expected when someone creates a thread titled "Ryan - AMA", on which he called a fellow member, who is someone that has provided more value to me on the fallen acorn, UKDNF, and here - "a cunt and a despicable human being"?

Almost everything that comes out of the guys mouth sounds over-egged (read: exaggerated).

I agree, negativity is not good at all for the community. So maybe that negativity should go back to the fallen acorn (which is all about positivity and good business), and there should be an agreement that nobody mentions the nonsense this guy is up to in any further threads/comments.
When you left acorn, i reached out on LInkedin and we spoke. We were going to go for a beer and play pool. Not sure what happened between then and now for you to take a 180.

Yes you might not like some of my content but you could have met me face to face and then decided but instead it is easier for you to slag me off when i originally reached out in kindness to make sure you were ok. That's crazy right there.
It's all smoke and mirrors with him, no proof of any success whatsoever and you should pay him to be a mentor basically, or pay him for a 'dinner date'. That ad reads like something off Grindr. Anyone thinking he can help them with this consulting needs their own head checking.
I never asked you or anyone else to pay me. I have a profile and can do what i like. Its the benefit of being alive - the freedom of choice.
  1. Well done on redesigning and rebuilding the wheel (which leaked sensitive data). Very innovative.
  2. Your definition of a premium domain differs from mine.
  3. Well done for spending money to make yourself feel better, which I guess makes you feel like it makes up for being aggressive and rude towards people. People that are right to have doubts about you, because you don't paint the best picture of yourself in public, with your inconsistency in positive business and positive energy, yet you bring your negative, aggressive and attacking energy here to this forum.
Its crazy - show me your platform?

You live in the darkest depths of Gosport - the highest drug addict and mental health place in the UK.

There is nothing premium about you - literally nothing - like nothing at all - look at your half baked sales site - that is not premium.

If it was premium people would share data, people would advertise and your life would be less stressful, less shitty and you might, just might not be so bitter.
So what you're agreeing with here is that currently Brandable has no innovation. What you have planned for the future doesn't make the current offering innovative.

Your definition of innovative also differs from mine. Pair matching doesn't feel innovative - it feels obvious. Good UX, yes. Innovative? No.
Pair matching is huge - technically and for sales.

You take for granted that dan-com raised crazy money from IBM and i have done this from scratch with our own money