I hear what you're saying, and I partially agree.
Insist on putting yourself front and centre, make wild baseless claims of potential plans, and unsurprisingly people are going to have stuff to ask/say.
- A future announcement of Domainlore acquisition (DING!).
- Bunging Nominet £5m to remove dropcatching, and move over to an auction based solution (DING!).
- IPO 2029 Market Cap $100bn.
- Run for Prime Minister 2032.
- That there's more chance of buying GoDaddy than GoDaddy being an exit plan.
- etc.,
But what is expected when someone creates a thread titled "Ryan - AMA", on which he called a fellow member, who is someone that has provided more value to me on the fallen acorn, UKDNF, and here - "a cunt and a despicable human being"?
Almost everything that comes out of the guys mouth sounds over-egged (read: exaggerated).
I agree, negativity is not good at all for the community. So maybe
that negativity should go back to the fallen acorn (which is all about positivity and good business), and there should be an agreement that nobody mentions the nonsense this guy is up to in any further threads/comments.