Been a long time since I posted on Acorn, I was actually banned by Mr. Napier after getting drunk and calling him the c word I believe, I was never a frequent poster, although I thought the lifetime ban could have been a 60 day one for first offence I feel!
I've been watching events with interest (on here, Greywings blog, and Acorn).
On one hand I feel a bit sorry for Helmuts, he doesn't seem like a bad person, but he's approached Acorn with completely the wrong head on. Its like he has approached it as an extension of Host Maria, he's sanitised it like its the help forum for a hosting product, rather than a community of people who in many cases know each other, or have least transacted with each other, numerous times over many years, even decades. Language barrier / inability to fully interpret and comprehend the intricacies of the British psyche likely another.
British people can have a ding dong one day and then be best mates again the next, and male friendship groups usually involve people being absolutely brutal and very honest with each other.
That said, I say he "doesn't seem like a bad person", but he's elected to give a platform to Adam Dicker, and I'm sure there's some common saying about being judged by the company you keep (alas, it escapes me at the moment). I don't want to risk receiving my second legal letter from Adam Dicker, to go with the one I received in 2016 (I laughed hard at that, it was a load of guff), but lets just say that that most decent people in domaining wouldn't have given him that platform... and that does make me question the ethics of Helmuts also.
Ryan Ewan would be best served to disassociate from Helmuts for as long as he is fraternising with Mr. Dicker.